What can I do for mixed skin type post op?

I've seen lots about moisterizers, post op, but I have acne and usually take dandelion to help with this. Will I be able to continue to use herbal remedies post op? If not, can anyone recommend a good moisterizer for those of us with naturally oily skin? Even hair conditioners cause me to break out. I don't want to get wrinkles from the loss like a friend of mine, but acne isn't worth it either. Also, I take royal jelly and ginseng for energy, which I hope will help me through the hybernation period. Any advice? I am afraid of adding problems. Thanks a bunch!    — Amy K. (posted on March 10, 2001)

March 10, 2001
Check out Erno Lazlo skin care at <p>One of my best friends is a make up artist and she thinks Lazlo is the best for people with acne. Check with you surgeon about the herbal remedies. You'll get lots of opinions here, the one that should matter to you is your surgeons. Best of luck to you!
   — Roseann M.

March 10, 2001
Moisturizers don't help you avoid wrinkles, sunscreen does. Skip the moisturizer and apply oil free suncreen every day. As far as getting wrinkles from weight loss...the more fat underneath the skin the tighter the skin will be. Take away the fat and the skin will loosen up. Nothing you put on your skin will keep this from happening. Make sure you ask your surgeon about the herbs.
   — Kellie L.

March 10, 2001
I'd be careful taking anything orally for a skin condition. The best skin care product line I have ever run across is Murad. It is developed by Dr. Murad, a dermatologist in California I think. Anyway, there is a website: , check it out. Their special tv offer (also available on the web) is an acne prone skin care regimen that has all you need including a moisturizer for $59. There is also more intensive therapies for moisturizing like a night cream available. I don't sell the stuff - I'm just a VERY happy customer. I had a terrible bout of adult acne about two years ago. Bought this Murad line after I saw an infomercial on tv. I haven't had a "zit" in 2 years!!!!! Pretty cool huh!
   — Lori B.

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