Can Polycystic ovarian disorder be a co-morbid condition?

My doctor has me on birth control for POD but it is making me want food all the time - I mean ALL THE TIME!!! and I am gaining even more weight. I want to go off of the pill but she said this and another medicine she is going to put me on will stop additional hair growth, regulate my periods, and keep me from getting pregnant(Duh!) What else do they do for it and is it a co-morbid conditon? Another unrelated question - Is super morbid obesity a different ICD code than morbid obesity?    — K T. (posted on April 7, 2001)

April 11, 2001
In a word, yes. POD can also cause mild to moderate obesity.
   — Jesse M.

July 9, 2002
I have pcos and it was my co-morbid for surgery. I have no other helth problems.
   — Verna P.

July 21, 2004
I have PCOS Hyopothyrodism, left ventricl dissection all of this and my insurance still denied me saying no co-morbitities were found. They have very strict guidelines and after 4 appeals I gave up and self paid. Hurt my family financially but at least I will be here for them. Tanis
   — Duffers M.

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