
I'm sorry I should have clarified my earlier post. My insurance has an iron clad exclusion. My only hope of getting this surgery is to appeal to my employer under my ERISA rights.(We are self insured). I want to argue that I am disabled and if they cover treatment for anorexia, bulimia, drug dependance, and alcholism, then they must cover treatment for morbid obesity or compulsive overeating (in my case). I am afraid that they will come back at me and say that I am not disabled. I don't recieve social security, but like I said, I have a very difficult time with my job. I can do it, I just have problems standing, sitting for long periods of time. My health is not good and I have been off of work at least 10 times in the past 5 years. How would I know if I were disabled?    — K T. (posted on June 22, 2001)

June 22, 2001
I am waiting on my denial letter so that I can go to my hubby's employer and request an exception. Long shot? Yep. But I will try! Your letters are great. Keep me posted. I see some people have made it thru the red tape.
   — Helena R.

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