Has anyone ever had a filter used on them to keep blood clots from getting through..

It's called the Gunther Tulip Vena Cava MRerye(TM) filter and Retrieval system from Cook incorporated. From what I can tell the insert it through a jugular vien down to someplace I can't remember exactly where in your body. It is a filter that is suppossed to keep bloot clots from getting through to your lungs and heart. I guess it traps them so that your body can naturally break them down. What I read was that they use them on surgical patients and trauma victims but I haven't heard anyone talk about them on here. If anyone wants to read the story I'm refering to its at:    — K T. (posted on June 23, 2001)

June 23, 2001
Yes I have a "Greenfield Filter". My surgeon said this filter has saved many lives. This filter will stay in for life.
   — Penny J.

June 23, 2001
My husband had a Greenfield filter placed prior to his RNY because of a history of blood clots in his legs and lungs. It was an uncomplicated outpatient procedure done by a vascular radiologist in our local hospital. Although most physicians prefer to place these filters through the jugular vein, it was necessary to place it through the large vein in the groin in his case, but that presented no special problems. It is important to know that these filters are designed to be a permanent part of the body after they're placed and that there are some negative side-effects that may be experienced, such as mild to moderate swelling of the legs post-op. Filter placement is never a "temporary" pre-op procedure, so be certain that you have discussed this thoroughly with your cardiologist or radiologist. On a positive note, these filters can certainly be life-saving for those patients who are prone to blood clots. It was an answer to a prayer for my husband and he has had no complications with his.
   — Diana T.

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