I really need to know if anyone else has this problem

This is another gross question I know, but I'm wondering if it isn't a medical condition that I need to tell my doctor about. My problem is when going to the bathroom, I literally have to stretch myself out to where I am not sitting on the comode but almost laying on it. If I don't do this, most of the time I can't have a BM. I'm not constipated at all, it kind of feels like there is too much congestion in my abdominal area. I've never mentiioned it to my doctor because I just didn't see the need for it. But now I'm wondering if I'm the only one who has to do this. I'm pre-op and I do carry alot of my weight in my mid section. Does anyone else have this problem?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 21, 2001)

March 10, 2004
I am not sure if you check this question anymore, maybe it has been to long, but I am 7 months post-op and I had that problem for about 4 months after my surgery, it was due to the trauma caused to your bowels and them getting use to the new way (so to say), basicly it is slugish bowls, I felt like I had to strain like I was constipated, but I wasn't and I was litterly exausted after! I am 7 months out now, and I am not as regular as I used to be, but now it is fine. Hope this helps.
   — mememetl

August 5, 2004
August 6, 2004 I do understand. I have to do the same thing and I'm pre-op. My problem and it may be yours too, is scar tissue from prior surgery, it is wrapped around my colon and it's like cement especially if I don't rock. Laying forward helps, but then I can't breath. I would suggest prior to the surgery that you see a GI specialist. Best of luck, kathy
   — Kathy Newton

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