How soon after LAP band can I walk my dogs?

I will be having Laparoscopic Lap Band Surgery. Will I be able to walk my dogs when I come home?    — Diane T. (posted on July 26, 2001)

July 26, 2001
You should be fine to walk your dog. Actually it will probably be helpful in making you get out and get in a short walk while recovering at first. Good Luck
   — Robin C.

June 17, 2002
Actually, I would think that the answer depends GREATLY on the poundage of the dogs in question. My bassets weigh 130 pounds together, and have the torque of a small Mazda pickup. I have had an extremely easy recovery from my RNY(1 1/2 weeks post op and walking 2 miles daily), but I wouldn't DREAM of taking them for a walk. You've got stitches in there that would not take kindly to being ripped every which way. On the other hand, my mom has a shih tzu and a peekapoo, and I would have no problems with them.
   — R J.

June 17, 2002
I have to agree with Rachel, I have a St. Bernard, and there is NO WAY I would attempt that! Also, how well behaved are they? Are they likley to take off after other animals, such as rabbits or something?
   — Terri Z.

June 17, 2002
I had lap rny and was forced to walk my dog about 1 week after surgery. I have an 80lb american bull dog who can definitely pull a person down off their feet. BUT he knew...somehow he knew he was not allowed to jump or pull. And he didn't. He was so good during my recovery time. I walked by a school near my house where there were benches and when I first started walking him I had to take short breaks because I got tired or I still had some gas pain...but walking him MADE me get out and walk. You just have to see what your dogs behavior is like. Mine behaved like an old mother hen for about 6 weeks and then he was back to his normal crazy self. :)
   — Ilene M.

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