ObesityHelp Q & A Mailing List

Why subscribe to this mailing list?

This service is unique in that ALL postings (anonymous or not) are permanantly stored on the web, organized by category. Anything posted here remains for future visitors, rather than vanishing in email inboxes. Postings to this site are an investment in a growing resource. Subscribers are much less likely to see the same question posted by different people month after month. And, best of all, in addition to the creation of this growing “book” online, answers are also relayed to the people asking the question.

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Click here to set your Questions Notification parameter to “Yes.” Note: this is where you return to unsubscribe from this service.

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Click here to sign up. Once registered, you will be redirected to your profile settings area. There you can edit your "Contact Preferences" to sign up for the mailing list.

