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  • BMI 39.9

Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

Hi Everyone and to Everyone All the Best on your Journey: My life began with many troubles. I am sure their were positve things happening in my early years of life, but all I remember is the negative. An abusive father, an unsupportive mother, angry siblings and I was caught in the middle of it all. I struggled not only with weight but I struggled my whole life with learning issues. Acting silly and eating were my savers. Life continued through teenage yrs and I just loved my food, it seemed to satisfy all the wrongs in my life. I ran to marriage at the age of 18 and thought this was the answer to happiness. Wrong!! I brought the 4 most amazing children into this world, whom are all adults now, and found myself trying...I say trying to raise them myself when the youngest was seven. I did the best I could. But deprevation of sleep and trying so hard to be the best mom I could food soon became harder than I ever dreamed. And of course I did not make the best decisions or the best choices of food. Fast food was easy and I must say good. But wrong!! Managing at the sweet age of 54 and weight of 252 lbs I decided some serious changes needed to be made, by me and only me. Alot of things had settled in my life and I left alot of old crap behind me. Then as fate would have I met up with an teenage friend and he is now my loving friend and soon to be husband Ken. I did alot of research and also watched a good friend transition from her gastric bypass surgery into a slim, happy, beautiful being. I wanted that new life style too! I could do it! I started my new journey on March 24/11. Many 2 hr trips to the closest location for this type of surgery brought me to today. Learning, listening and more learning and I was excepted into the program for surgery. Soon my surgery date was given to me and on April 10/12 I under went the procedure. One week in I couldn't be happier with what is happening. I can wait to see the remainder of the transition and where it will take me in life.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Feeling that I didn't fit in....anywhere in life. Clothing that did not fit. Not being able to get down on the floor and play with my 9 grandchildren.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

It's early but I already am seeing a weight loss and love it.

ARE YOU READY TO PAY IT FORWARD & SHARE YOUR JOURNEY? Your journey will help highlight the many ways weight loss surgery improves lives and makes a difference in our families, communities and world. EACH JOURNEY COUNTS as a voice towards greater awareness.

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