Justin Braverman

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.2 out of 5 with 11 ratings

Justin Braverman Bariatric Surgeon M.D. FACS, FASMBS, Director of Bariatric Surgery

11 yr Experience

11 yr in Bariatrics

17 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

11 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

90% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 14

Max Age of Patient is 75

  • About Me
    Becoming a doctor was always what Dr. Braverman wanted to do. When asked why Dr. Braverman chose Bariatric Surgery as a career he stated, “It provides me with the opportunity to not only help patients lose a significant amount of weight, but to also potentially cure their weight related diseases. Really though, it gives patients a second chance at a healthier life.  Surgical weight loss increases energy, improves appearance and most importantly, dramatically improves the patient’s quality of life. I truly love what I do.” Dr. Braverman enjoys the continuity of care that comes with Bariatric Surgery as he gets to know his patients through their weight loss journey. Having performed over 3,000 bariatric operations with extremely low complication rates and no deaths, he is one of the most experienced and safest weight loss surgeons in California. Dr. Braverman’s hobbies include physical fitness, oil painting, gardening, and playing softball. Most of all, he loves spending time with his wife and young children and enjoys taking advantage of living in sunny, Southern California.
  • Latest Reviews See all 11 reviews
    avatar Tazjackdrinker69 on Oct. 5, 2018

    Him and his staff are fantastic. Both preoperative and aftercare. The classes they offer and support group are great. He was very upfront and just told you how it was. He also shows a personal connection and follow up.

    avatar GeekMonster, Insolent Hag on Jan. 27, 2014

    I had surgery with Dr. Braverman on 12/19/13. From the moment I met him at the orientation, I was highly impressed with his demeanor and professionalism. He answered all the questions I had even before I had a chance to ask them. For More...

    avatar effini on Sept. 27, 2012

    GREAT surgeon. HORRIBLE staff. No one will provide email contact info or phone extensions. Receptionist (as of July 12 - there is major turnover at this office) frequently forgets why clients are waiting. I've made 15 written requests for my 2012 patient records, over 50 More...

  • Location
    Whittier, California 90602
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