Nilesh A. Patel

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 3.41666666667 out of 5 with 101 ratings

Nilesh A. Patel Bariatric Surgeon MD, FACS

11 yr Experience

10 yr in Bariatrics

11 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

10 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

95% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 17

Max Age of Patient is 75

101 Reviews for Nilesh A. Patel
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I really like Dr Rodriguez but right before surgery they changed hospitals, then 2 months post-op I get a letter saying he is no longer doing WLS. Now I have to find someone else for my follow-up care. rnrnWhen I started having all the problems with my Band I went to Dr Patel because 2 of the nurses at work used him and said god things about him.


I like Dr.Patel; I have not had the best results with his office staff. It seems they are in a transition mode and things are being left undone or seem to be forgotten so several attempts may be needed to contact them. Dr. Patel is very concerned about this situation and is making every attempt to rectify. I would recommend Dr. Patel as a surgeon, I like his dedication to what he does and his patients and I know I have his support.


Dr. Patel is absolutely awesome. I feel so comfortable around him. He is very thorough and informative, as is his entire staff. My hubby says I'm crushin' on him. I think hubby may be right!!!rnrnHospital stay was super! Love, love, love, all those nurses.


Pre-surgically I found Dr. Patel to be direct and not much for small talk. He is confident and once you have decided proceedes with few words. rnrnI had some post surgery complications, I found him to be a really good communicator about expectations and his ability to describe medical jargon in common English with me and my family was exceptional. I also found him to be really sensitive to the spiritual side of healing which is largely missing in todays hospital settings. rnrnA year later I have had some issues with adhesions and again he has dealt with the issues in short order. The biggest surprise was his willingness to assist with coordination of care which might or might not be related to the bypass surgery. On those occassions when called by the emergency rooms where I have been a patient he has always called back and assisted with coordination of care. rnrnThe biggest asset for me is the ability to communicate with him and his office staff via email, and the ability to participate in a support group set up for his post op patients which elminates all the conflicting advise found out there between doctors. rnrnGetting through the pre-op process was cumbersum and required dedicated follow up on my part to get the dates set. rnrnrnrn


My first impression of Dr. Patel was that he was a people-person and very down-to-earth. He truly wanted to help everyone in that room (seminar), but was also realistic that this surgery wasn't a miracle cure and wouldn't work for everyone. In fact, a percentage of us attending would never make it through the insurance clearance for varying reasons - but that trying was worth everything. So...after 4 years of research and trepidation, here I am trying. I don't have a date yet, but hopefully soon. I'll let you know more about what I think down the road.


I was impress with his seeming dedication and enthusium. Staff very helpful, but difficult to get information


<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Photobucket\"></a>rnrnDr. Patel is my surgeon as of 7/21/08. Dr. Patel is the type of surgeon who would tell me like it is and what I need to do as a patient (no b.s) I believe he feels very passionate about his career as a surgen. He has a great bedside manner and made me feel very comfortable. With an amazing staff!!! rn


I had a one on one seminar with Dr. Patel, that was extremely nice. He answered all the question I had and also any my husband had. Found him very genuine and easy to talk to. Since my seminar he has moved from Hubbner to Stone Oak office which is alot more inconvenient but not a problem. Office staff has change several time since my first visit, but do not seem to have a large problem from that. His staff is in the process of finalizing all the paper work with my insurance company. Hopefully that goes swiftly and my date will be set for the end of October. I have no complaints as of yet and do not see any in the near future with the Dr. or the staff.


My first impression of Dr. Patel was that he wasn't one of those uptight doctors, he was very welcoming, funny, but to the point about why weight lose surgery would be beneficial to those of us who are overweight. I felt very comfortable with him. He also spoke on my level, not all doctor talk. Dr. Patel's staff is also amazing!!! The staff is always there to help if and when you might need it. LOVE them!!! Dr. Patel has a support group meeting once a month and they are amazing! I feel that I learn a lot from all who attend.rnI have only positive things to say about Dr. Patel and his staff, he and his staff are very up front with anything that needs to be addressed. I'm very glad that I met Dr. Patel and his staff. I would still be on that horrible roller coaster ride I f I wouldn't have gone to his seminar. Thank-you Dr. Patel your the greatest!!!!


I was greatly impressed with Dr. Patel. He was very good in the first seminar I went to. He does talk a little fast in the meetings, but he does know his business and I felt very comfortable with him. The office staff are all awesome people, they know what you are going through because some of them have been where you are. I hope to be setting a date soon.

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