on 10/25/10 12:41 am
Hey Guys,
Even though it's been a year plus, and we have all had our success, I still am amazed at how good life has really become.  I don't lose weight as drastically as the first 8 or 9 months out, but I am still on the down slope.  This weekend I got some clothes from my mother and they are a MEDIUM! I can't believe it.  I went from a 4X (snug) to a MEDIUM (loose).  Now if only I can get this skin taken care of things would be grand :-)

I pray for everyone daily and I hope you all are happy and healthy.

Take Care,
on 10/25/10 4:07 am - Whitehouse, TX
 Healthy and happy!

Not losing much...but my body is still changing and it's amazing.  I have several pair of size 8"s...Never in my life would I have imagined I'd go from wearing a 26 to an 8!!!!  I know you understand! 

on 10/26/10 1:30 am - Morris, IL
This has been an amazing ride! I feel like I'm back in my twenties (I'm really 51) with the world in front of me to explore all over again. There have been many ups and downs. Way more ups than downs though. I'm struggling with the feeling of wanting to go out and celebrate the new me, but I don't have anyone to celebrate it with. I feel like I'm all dressed up with no where to go.

My oldest girlfriend since age 13 has kind of turned her back on me for the time being. I feel a little hurt, but people from the OH main board have given me the great advice that she's probably having issues processing the "new" me.

I used to be so self-conscious before being so big (409 lbs.) and wearing Layne Bryant tent dresses. I was ashamed to let old friends see me. Now I can wear clothes that truly reflect the real me and am much more outgoing and happy. I was twice as big as her and now I'm the smaller one. I am very sensitive about her feelings and don't rub it in. In fact, I don't bring it up at all because she was against me having surgery in the first place. She has never complimented me on my success, however, if she has her hair done I'll compliment her. I didn't realized this would happen when I was deciding to go ahead with the surgery. I thought I'd be the only one dealing with all the changes of my decision. Weird.

If life knocks you down 7 times, get up 8!Laura_Illinois

on 11/1/10 3:04 am
Hey Laura you need to check your email i sent you my number KEEP in touch.. you have a friend nearby..take care Laura!!
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
on 11/9/10 2:46 am - MONTICELLO, MN
Hey Laura!  I've been on both ends on this one.  My best friend had RNY in 2004 after her husband cheated on her and left her.  I was always smaller than her our whole lives.  When she had the surgery she became a different person inside AND out.  She was always about her family and her kids, she rarely drank, she certainly didn't talk to guys and she was quite the prude.  She was usually my wingman.  The table turned however and she started to drink 4-5 nights a week, hit on guys constantly, even guys I was interested in if I didn't talk to them within her time line, she would say "well you weren't going to talk to him anyway", and don't let me get started on the promiscuity....(She was even hospitalized needing a blood transfusion) .  If I tried to talk to her or her family about it they would tell me I was just jealous.  I would listen to her respond to questions about her weightloss and she would ALWAYS tell people she was watching her diet and exercising and working really hard which in my eyes was a lie.  She had the surgery.......about 2 years after her surgery we stopped enabling her and quite going out with her.  She started to change her ways and reverted back to the sweet girl we all knew only smaller.  She met her husband at her job and is pregnant with thier second child.  She is now coming to me for help with getting back on track after she has the baby.

Seeing her and how she handled her surgery was a huge key to my success with not letting all of those transfer addictions kick in.  I am open about having surgery to anyone  who asks about my dramatic transformation.  As much as I hated the person she had become I am thankful that I had the opportunity to experience that side of the sugery.  I wouldn't be handling this the way I am if I hadn't. 

Your friend will come around......just listen to her if she tells you something is different about you, because you are different  don't poo poo her feelings aside.  She will have the most insight into your changed behavior than you yourself.  I'm not saying you've become my best friend but I'm almost positive you are not who you used to be.  And she obviously loved the person you were if you've been friends since 13, the old Laura must not be all that bad!

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  36 years old
5'7"   HW 256 / SW 240 / CW 145 / GW 140
on 11/9/10 4:15 am - Morris, IL
Hi, I didn't get your real name, but thanks for writing. I have to say I haven't been in a bar by myself for over 20 years, I'm a full time college student and working on my internship at a local hospital. I just recently returned to the Catholic church (Catholics Come Home plan) and I love it! I had been attending the United Methodist Church for the last 20 years. So I'm not picking up any new addictions, other than I wish I could purchase a few more clothes since I've down sized. My budget can't afford it.

I believe my girlfriend is a little intimidated that I've taken charge of my life and taken the "bull by the horns". I am very positive in my attitude and don't let negative people get me down. I've been through too much negativity from being in a bad marriage for 15 years, my ex left me 5 years ago and remarried 1 week after our divorce was finalized. I went back to college and will be graduating in December. My only child is attending a Western Illinois University as a sophomore, he dad left her behind when he left us. (Don't know how someone could turn their back on their only natural child)

Life is good. I'm moving forward and it's all positive. I also believe my girlfriend misses the fact that I don't eat junk food anymore. Maybe I'm not "Food Fun" any more, but I certainly don't get preachy about it. If anything, I try not to make eating an issue. It's something personal I have to do for myself. The choices other people make is their decision. I know what I have to do if I want to maintain this weight loss. I have to be a disciplined eater now. I still like to laugh, have fun and an occasional glass of wine too.

If life knocks you down 7 times, get up 8!Laura_Illinois

on 11/9/10 2:09 pm - MONTICELLO, MN
I'm sorry I didn't realize I didn't use my name...I'm Heather!  I hope you didn't take offense to what I wrote, it certainly wasn't my intention.  I'm glad you have found a happy place in your's certainly where we all want to be!
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  36 years old
5'7"   HW 256 / SW 240 / CW 145 / GW 140
on 11/10/10 8:22 am - Morris, IL
Hi Heather, No offense taken. I know sometimes when you write on the internet it can come across not the way the writer intended it to. It's a hard balance to express yourself by the written text without the voice of emotions behind it. (Does that make sense?) I kind of tired tonight. I spent a long day working my internship at the hospital. It's my 2nd to last day there and I wanted to make the most of it. Also I had to gather all the information I learned, interview my direct supervisor and put it into a PowerPoint presentation for my last college class.

I'm going to miss the ladies I've been working with. It's the first time I've worked in a office full of women where none of them are "catty". I'm very happy though. A year and half ago I set a personal goal for myself to be at "goal" weight by this December, to graduate with my Associates degree by this December and to be interning at my number #1 choice of hospital's in my area  (Silver Cross, Joliet, IL) and I've done it! I'm feeling very satisfied with myself and very grateful. Laura

If life knocks you down 7 times, get up 8!Laura_Illinois

on 11/10/10 10:29 am - MONTICELLO, MN
What is it you are going to school for?
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  36 years old
5'7"   HW 256 / SW 240 / CW 145 / GW 140
on 11/1/10 3:02 am
Hey Shida..
I'm glad everything is going well for ya...
I love the change.. regardless of people not quite accepting the new me... I mean I still sometimes can't wrap the idea of going from a size 32 the largest to now I can get into a 12 or size 13 easily.. But in all the bad or good I'm eternally grateful.. I mean  I have a new me, and a new job promotion.. but sometimes its hard not having someone here to understand what you are going through.. and I have heard it again GO TO SUPPORT Group's.. I did find one... they made me depressed all they did is complain about only losing 200 or more pounds??? UGH what the h--ll BE HAPPY... so I do the best medicine for me... I exercise to keep the good endorphins going..LOL.. but I'm glad every ones doing well... and the scale might be scalding slower but it has not stop at all..
take care,
"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."   
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