From a 8/04 post op!

on 6/27/05 10:11 am - Litchfield, MN
As I near my one year post op anniversary I could not help but pop in here and tell you that WLS is not easy but it is so worth it! I was jest like most of you one year ago... then life changed for me forever on Aug 2nd 2004. There has been ups and downs (more ups then downs) and a ton of changes. My best advice I can give you is to be as knowledgeable about WLS and your Dr and your body as you can be... the more you know the better and the more support the better as well. I can tell many of you may know that jest by you being here! ALSO for most the hardest time will be right after the op... BUT each day should get better then the last and each week will get easier and each month will have more rewards and challenges then the last. so hang in there and CONGRATS!!!! BTW this is one of the best things i could of ever done for my life and my children!
on 6/27/05 11:56 am - KY
Sarah, thanks for the words of wisdom! I checked out your profile and your are cute!
on 6/27/05 1:36 pm - Litchfield, MN
LOL I can be kinda vain too... funny thing is tho I have always had good self esteem no matter how big i was but this past year there was a few times when I seamed to lose that or feel unsure about myself image... kinda like puberty... you know you are starting to look better but sometimes you jest feel strange or not used to your new always changing body. Thanks Susie~Q
on 6/27/05 12:24 pm - Kingsley, IA
Thank You Sarah you look just wonderful ... I cant wait!! Keep in touch! Lori 47 days
on 6/27/05 1:36 pm - Litchfield, MN
Thank you! I have before photos on my profile.
(deactivated member)
on 6/28/05 12:02 pm
you are a good inspiration! my surgery is 8/1 I keep hoping and hoping all goes well....i'm able to do skin won't look too terrible!! i love seeing people down the road! it gives me real hope!! congrats on your loss!!!! susan
on 6/29/05 7:38 am - Litchfield, MN
Thank you Susan! You can do it and my skin is not too bad at all... it is not great but not as bad as i would of guessed and I have seen many people farther out then I that look even better cause of time helping the skin catch up!
on 6/29/05 1:27 am - Morgantown, WV
Sarah- Wow...from looking at your pic, I would have never guessed that you ever had a weight problem! You look so happy and healthy. I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for your post. I am scheduled for surgery on 8/3/05 and as I'm sure it's normal, I am excited but also scared. I am a single mother and I have a little guy at home that means the world to me. He has no father in his life and I worry that if something were to happen to the only parent he has, it would destroy his life. But, I have decided that chances are, I'll be fine and it will be the best thing I can do for him. Your post was encouraging to me and when I got to the bottom and read the last line you wrote, " This is the best thing I could have ever done for my life and my children!"......that made me smile! Thanks Kerry
on 6/29/05 7:46 am - Litchfield, MN
Thank you so much Kerry! My 2 year old is SO busy and SO active I have no idea how i would of been able to keep up with her and my son with how poor my heath and energy was a year ago. NOW I can do whatever I want and need to do with them without getting to tired or hurt! I can play with them on the floor and get up as fast as they do!! My son no longer hears "mom is too tired, sick or big" to do somthing! My daughter will never remeber me as overweight. I know I will live longer and be healthier for both of them. As much as this has improved my life it has improved thiers as well. Now I can be the mom they deserve! BTW I was 100% a single mom for 8 years, I know how hard (but wonderful in its own way) that it is
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