Ahhhh Choooo!

(deactivated member)
on 11/5/07 12:09 pm
OH MAN! My RNY surgery is on the 16th and I am coming down with a bad cold! My throat is scratchy and raw, my chest is congested, and my ears are sore! I started taking Airborne yesterday and pushing major fluids, but I feel like crap! Did this happen to anyone else??
on 11/5/07 10:44 pm - Sheffield Lake, OH
Oh i'm so sorry, i know exactley what you're going through. my surgery is tomorrow and i've been sick for a week. I felt great yesterday when i met with the surgeon, told him i had a cold but was feeling better, they did a chest xray to rule out pneomonia and said all should be fine. Today, i woke up feeling horrible. bad cough, i think it may be from the colon cleanse stuff though because i keep tasting it when i cough. i'm going to rest and load up on fluids the rest of the day and see where i'm at later today. i swear the all liquids and no viatamins or medicines did me in. I pray i don't have to have surgery cancelled this late in the game. get as much rest as you can, but if it's a virus all you can really do is wait it out. i'll be praying for you.
Heather S.
on 11/5/07 11:51 pm - Southern, NJ
I'm so sorry! Tomorrow is my sugery and I've been really watching who and what I'm touching for the last couple of weeks, and washing extra-often! Normally, I'm not a germ-o-phobe at all...but I DID NOT want to get sick right before surgery. I'll be praying for you to get well soon...luckily you've got a bit before your surgery, you should be well by then! Heather
Tracey S.
on 11/9/07 6:08 am - Shenandoah, VA
Hope you are feeling better. Just wanted to let you know I am having my RNY on the 16th as well. Let me know how you do! Good luck and I'll be praying for you. Tracey
(deactivated member)
on 11/9/07 6:25 am
Best of luck to you too! Thanks for the kind note! Christa
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