I feel like my band is too tight

on 11/10/07 9:31 am - forked river, NJ
I am not sure what to do as I just had my 3rd ajustment and It keeps feeling like I swalloe golf balls and it hurts really bad when I eat and I feel lie I need to throw it up i just had two sips of soup and I am alredy hurting so bad I want to throw up and I dont want to eat what do i do?? I can swallow my protien shakes but thats it.. help!!!!
on 11/11/07 5:54 am - Bedford, VA
Wow, Elaine, You poor thing!!!!! What does your doctor say? Could you be having some sort of spasms? Ask your doctor if something like medication they give babies with cholic would help. Best of luck...I hope you and your doc can figure this out SOON!!! Judith
on 11/11/07 12:50 pm
I experienced the same thing this last month,but thank God it wasnt to the extreme you have...I had my 3rd fill also last month and I could only eat maybe two bites and I would be about to vomit or Id be hurting really bad. My friend had the surgery and went through this and what she did was simply tell her doc and he just took some of the fill back out. It should be that simple so I would just call and tell them what is going on and you will probably just have to go back in and have some taken back out. I didnt have mine only because I could still eat some what and because usually by the end of the month I feel like I need another fill so.....hope that helps, hope u feel better. Ann
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