Horrible gas

on 11/12/07 9:15 pm - OH
Dear friends: I would like to know what I can do about my gas problems? I'm suffering from horrible gas that makes me feel nausious. I hate to be in public because I can't always hold it. I'm not sure if it is the foods I eat but I'm wondering about how long ai have to deal with this? Is there anything I can take to stop this or at least contain it, I get so scared to eat out in public because the aftermath. Please help!
on 11/13/07 7:22 am - kunkletown, PA
Hi Laniya, Try Gas-x pills, they dissolve in your mouth, they worked for me. I still have issues with gas, I think it's a partial constipation gas for me. I dont have a normal daily bm anymore since surgery, I used to go every day sometimes more than once a day. it was the foods i ate. Guess since eat healthier, no regular bm's daily. Hope you fix the gas issue. take care, Shele
on 11/16/07 12:23 am - Lee's Summit, MO
Hello LaNiya, I am a BPD weight loss surgery patient, my eating program is strictly Atkin's. When I do eat foods containing sugar or bread, I suffer bloating, gas, and weight gain. When I stick to high protein, these problems cease. Mostly, bread is the culprit, especially junk bread with white refined flour. I'm not sure which surgery you had, or of your eating habits. Any weight loss surgery is a strain on your intestinal tract, digestion and bowel problems are to be expected. I am 5 years out, and still I have dumping syndrome. When not compliant with diet, my bathroom visits are fowl. My best suggestion for you is to abstain from white sugar, refined flour, and drink plenty of water to help clean your system.
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