1 week post-op

Heather S.
on 11/13/07 9:17 pm - Southern, NJ
For everyone about to go into surgery... It's not that bad! keep a positive attitude! prepare your body as best you can (diet, vitamins, exercise) and just enjoy the ride! Yes, it hurts a bit to move. Yes, I'm sick to death of jello and broth. Yes, I'm questioning from time to time if I really want to do this for the rest of my life. But I'm SO glad I did it! This morning is 1 week post-op for me...according to my scale from a week ago and today I've lost 10 lbs!!! What a great way to wake up and start the day! My incisions are looking great and don't hurt a bit...my stomach is hurting less and less each day...the gas issues are all but gone...I'm so ready for the coming year! Good luck and God Bless to each of you! Love, Heather
Kimberly C.
on 11/14/07 2:08 am - Spring, TX
WOO HOOO... Yea for you. Keep up the good work. I just reached my 1 week post op also and lost 9.2 lbs. Yea for me too....
on 11/14/07 3:47 am - Great Mills, MD
Congratulations to both of you ladies. I have 13 more days before surgery. I can't wait to come back and post my one week progress. Keep up the good work. Have either of you ladies been able to workout the first week?
Heather S.
on 11/14/07 3:55 am - Southern, NJ
Good luck to you...relax and enjoy the ride. Don't worry...it's all going to go just fine so don't give in to those silly feelings and let yourself be stressed. I never once felt worry, or nervous, or panic...there's just no need if you've done your research and picked a competent surgeon. (of course, my faith in God and His good plan helped the most) I have NOT worked out at all since surgery. I keep telling myself it's because my body is not ready...but somewhere inside I know it's at least partly because I'm just in a lazy mode again after a few days off! I see my surgeon tomorrow and will follow whatever he recommends for exercise in the coming weeks. I HAVE been pretty active around the house though...lots of walking like the dr. ordered. Can't wait to hear your 1 week report! Heather
on 11/15/07 12:19 am
Congratulations to all!! I"m scheduled for next Tuesday, November 20th. Its encouraging to hear all the good comments and how its all worth it. I have no doubt that life will be better and certainly healthier. It feel somewhat in the minority, being a male having this kind of surgery, but again I'm told men loose weight faster and tone-up faster than women. Hope that's true, not just a myth. Again, congratulations to all for all of successes!!!
on 11/16/07 1:23 am - Catonsville, MD
Ralph, I know what you mean about men feeling in the minority. We are in the minority, plus let's face it, we men tend to keep things to ourselves as a group much more, whereas the women love to process and chat about everything. Whether it's surgery or diet, any discussion about weight loss typically is oriented toward females. I had RNY last Friday, and at one week today, I have lost 16 pounds. Pretty incredible. The pain has not been fun, but I really turned the corner on that yesterday. Still hurts, but I only took pain meds once yesterday. I will be happy when the pureed diet is over, because it's pretty rough getting down some of those protein shakes. Of course, this is going to be well worth it, and I feel fortunate it went through my insurance with little difficulty. I've heard the same thing about losing quicker for men. Seems to be true so far. My wife had this done Sept 11, and I'm going a little faster than she did. Good luck with your surgery!
Kimberly C.
on 11/15/07 3:26 am - Spring, TX
I am not supposed to do any type of abdominal exercise for 3 months but I am walking and trying to stay as active as possible. Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I will pray that you have a good outcome. I can tell that you have the right attitude for this and you will do just fine.
on 11/14/07 12:10 pm
I look forward to being one week post op and as many pounds lighter as possible. Thanks for posting your info. It is encouraging. I pray my outcome is as good.
on 11/14/07 2:29 pm - Tacoma, WA
Congrats to Heather and Kimberly - you girls are doing great!!! Thanks, Heather, for the update on the surgery and recovery. For one who is waiting (scheduled for 11/27) it's nice to hear how things went from one just going through it! Can't wait until I'm on that side of it! ~Nancy~
Heather S.
on 11/15/07 4:14 am - Southern, NJ
Hi Nancy! Thanks for the encouragement. Just had my 1 week follow-up today and the surgeon is pleased with my weight-loss progress and healing... I'm so excited to finely have some food besides broth and jello! Cottage cheese and protein shakes never sounded so good! I'm sure your surgery and recovery will go just as well...I know it will if you have anything to do with it; you always have such a great attitude! Love, Heather
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