lap band is a dream buster . it doesn't work. BEWARE of this surgery

on 11/27/07 5:40 am - berwyn, IL
pam i wasnlt attacking her at all until she started with the name calling. i thought we were having a civilized conversation and she actually gave me some pointers, then she replied saying a whole bunch of crap tp me, and that is why i asked he why she was getting all pissy. i was being nice until she said that. and please.... as i said before, i wasn't talking to you or directing any of my posts towards you because you donlt have the band. thank you.
on 11/27/07 5:51 am - berwyn, IL
see this is what she wrote..... i believe she thoght i was talking to her when i made the comment abiut a fat ass, but i was talking to that other girl and i guess he just assumed that i was calling her a fat ass. we had been having nice convos and then she said this... even if i'm still fat in a year - i just hope i'm not as bitter, miserable, jaded, and disappointed as you are today. i really wish you the best of luck in finding out what's going wrong with your lapband and i'm glad i was more educated about my procedure than you seem to have been about yours. so that is why i asked her why she was getting pissy. and for the record......... i come in here and make a negatative comment about the band,,, AND I GET ATTACKED, JUST LIKE THAT LADY WHO'S HUSBAND HAS THE BAND. SAME THING. just goes to show that as long as your praising the band, you are all good in here.......the second you say something bad........... whooooooooo wheeeeeeeee watch out. and i am going to post a private e-mail i received from a person on here, but i will edit their info to respect their privacy, because she does not want to be attacked like i was. Date Sent: November 26, 2007 - 4:13pm From: ********01 Click here to add this user to your friends list Subject: hey i agree with you. i didnt want to post anything on the board. i stopped going on this site because i became so depressed reading how well others are doing. i started at surgery july 2nd at 245. i got down to 232 got a fill, got a second fill, it was soooo tight i was in pain i couldnt keep anything down. then got it unfilled in october and shot up to 237. i cant seem to lose weight unless i starve myself...i exercise here and there, ill get into a whole exercise thing then ill stop. im soooo unhappy with this band and wish i had the bypass. now ill do anything to be thin, its killing me. im just glad someone out there feels the same, im sick of hearing how well everyone is doing while theyre tickers are hardly moving. anywho thanks for listening! - ***** for those that the band has worked for.... i am happy for you, but you can't hate on people who make a comment that theirs doesn't work for them.
on 11/29/07 10:08 am - Hamlin, NY
Your situation is why I am choosing the gastric bypass. Too much negative stuff floating around about the lapband. When I went to my seminar today it felt like the doctor was kind of not sending out warm and fuzzies about the lapband either. I REALLY feel bad for you. I don't have any advice for you but hey this is a free country (am I right). You can express your opinion whether someone thinks it is negative or not. An opinion is just that OPINION. It is not a fact, it is something someone has experienced. You are just giving people a "head-up". Who ever has this surgery (the majority at least) are adults and if they are dissuaded by your comments then they are idiots! Adults can make their own minds up. If I had read your comments a month ago (because I was thinking of having the lap band done) I would have taken your comment into consideration and researched it further. AS MY DOCTOR TOLD EVERYONE IN THE SEMINAR TO DO! I hope everything works out for you. I only can imagine how disappointed and frustrated you are feeling.
on 11/27/07 12:22 pm
I hope your surgery went well today. CH
on 12/28/07 10:34 am
hi michele,how are you doing?i just wanted to write to say i do not think i would do this band again either.i had surgury 11/27/07 and gain the 9 pounds that i lost preop because if i could have lost weight drinking liquids i would not have had surgury.i am always hungry and my port constantly hurts.i am always scared to call my doctor because right from the beginning i had a problem and went to my doctor and he bit my head off so i have been scared to talk to him about the other problems.everyone knows i had surgury and knows i have not lost weight and i feel like i have failed once again.i hope you feel better
on 1/25/08 3:02 am
Hi Michelle, I will agree that the lapband does NOT work for everyone. I, too, am having difficulties with the band. I count myself lucky since reading your post. I don't have the vomiting and tightness that you are having, therefore, I am lucky. I am not losing weight (10 lbs since surgery in Oct.). The medical staff is telling me I"m crazy. Actually, they didn't use that word but they might as well have. I'm experiencing "head hunger" according to the "experts", who by the way, have NOT gone thru lapband surgery themselves. Its a shame that if you speak your opinion, negative or positive on here, you would not be attacked but supported. I support you as I understand your frustration. I would support you if I were successful and help in any way I could with advice or prayers. Just knowing someone out here cares, truly cares about your frustration, can only help. I had a doctor, not the one who did my surgery, but another one, asked me why I was upset with the band. I told him and he told me that anyone can "sabotage" the surgery. Well let me tell you girlfriend, I would soon die on the side of the road than to ever let that doctor touch me EVER again! He "ASSumed" I wasn't following the plan. So don't let anyone tell you that you don't have the right to feel the way you do, doctor/staff/friends/idiots. You have the right to voice your opinion. I agree it may help the next person. It helped me today! Hang in there. Keep in mind, the good thing about the lap band is...its reversible if you have to go that route.
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