A tip for nebwies

on 3/28/11 1:57 pm - Canada
I realized that about the same time I dropped off on the frequency of my posts, was about the same time that I started struggling. I haven't struggled with my weight, really, but the mental side of putting one foot in front of the other with a clear goal in mind.

I have been on this forum for YEARS and I can honestly say that I have made some of my best friends in the world right here and I have seen people come and go, there are quiet spells in the summer and over the holidays where people are just busy away from this site which is good.

Having a life off line is important, but I have come to realize again here recently that having a life in here is a source of sanity for me and without it I quickly lose my center of gravity.

So to all the newbies just getting started on your journey, post questions, tips, offering solutions and get involved in the people on OH because when everyone else is the world is telling you what you are doing wrong, the people here will be there to remind you of all the things you do really well and to share in your journey.

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin      
Highest Weight: 242 lbs 1st Clinic visit: 236.8lbs
Weight at Surgery: 193.1 Surgery Date: May 18, 2011 Current Weight: 134.4 lbs

on 3/28/11 11:30 pm - Canada
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I am a newbie in the sense that although I was referred 2 years ago, I have just started at the clinic recently and am awaiting my 1st Dr. appt in Apr. I've learned a lot from the ladies on this site and they all have been helpful answering questions that quell my nerves.....we need the wise Yoda's like you so thanks for sticking around!!!
Adrianna O.
on 3/28/11 11:55 pm - Canada
Chance.. You officially rock!!
She is right ya'll. I have met some of the best people online and then later in person and they give encouragement when needed as we all can be super hard on ourselves. Use the site and the people on it.... You won't regret the support, or at least I don't.
moxy 809
on 3/29/11 1:23 am
I joined this site a few weeks ago and I have really enjoyed reading about the experiences of others and everyone has been very helpful when I have asked a question of my own.  I was at a module last night and I spread the word about this forum because I agree with you that the support in here is very valuable. 
on 3/29/11 6:52 am
You are so right. I know that in times of need I have come here or to the yahoo or FB site and found help when I need it. The help gave me the strength to look inside and find what I needed. You all rock!!!
on 3/29/11 10:16 am
Spoken true words of wisdom Chance. I am so greatful for this forum and for all my new found friends, even the ones I haven't met yet.
We all have something in common and when no one else in the world understands our issues and our discouraging moment you can pop on-line here at OH and someone will give you that lift or laugh we need. I would have never made it thus far in my journey if it wasn't for the love and support I have gotten from all of you. You all supported me through my surgery and gave me words of encouragment to get me through it and I intend on being there for each of you, if not in body then in spirit.


HW:274  SW:238  CW: 150.0  1St goal: 199.8  2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140

1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary

Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012

You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't.  Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened.  My Surgery was September 21/2010

on 3/30/11 12:34 am, edited 3/30/11 12:34 am - Canada
It is good to know that other people are travelling the same path I am.  The support and information is so valuable and important.  I appreciate this forum and the people on it.


  I'm 5 ft 7.5 inches tall... 
 "The best way to predict your future is to create it."                   
~ Unknown       

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