Edmonton Weight Wise program

on 6/19/12 7:29 am - Winnipeg, Canada
Hello Everyone!

I have my initial appointment for this program in July.  In meeting with my dietician here I was told that I need to eat more carbs and that Edmonton requires a more balanced diet. 

I'm just wondering if others who have gone through the program have input?  I am interested in VSG and everything I read on the main boards pushes protien first.  Post surgery is that still the same or are they recommending a modified food pyramid?

Any other tips about my upcoming journey would be appreciated!  I have been wearing a fit bit pedometer since April and tracking all my food in myfitnesspal.

 HW: 361  CW: 337.8  Goal:  To come off most of my meds


on 6/19/12 8:01 am - Canada
VSG on 11/09/12

At first they are going to want you on a more balanced diet, try to remember they are working with you to promote healthy eating and lifestyle.

Once you have gone through the program and if you are accepted into surgery they will go over what you need to focus on after surgery, but for now they probably just want you to balance everything out and eat in moderation.
Remember anything you eat now, you can eat after surgery, you will just be able to eat much less.

They want to guide you to a better understanding of nutrition and a balanced diet to maximize your chances of making better choices in the future.

on 6/21/12 5:28 am - Canada
Hi there

I went through the Edmonton weight wise program and Erin was my nut.  She always steered me towards a more balanced diet.  I hardly had any vegetable and fruits and now, I have them at least once a day.  They are looking out for your best interest.  I also don't have to go on a pre-op liquid diet, eg protein shakes, etc.   She said she wanted me on normal food as soon as possible after surgery, approx 3 weeks

Take care
on 6/21/12 4:14 pm - Winnipeg, Canada
Thank you both for your info! I want this surgery so I am willing to "play by the rules" so to speak. I guess given what I read on the main VSG boards about typical post op diet I believed I was "ahead of the game" to follow the plan now if I could just at a higher calorie count (1000). I am just grateful for the opportunity since my BMI is too high for the program in winnipeg.

 HW: 361  CW: 337.8  Goal:  To come off most of my meds


on 6/22/12 8:12 am
Hi there,

I've just been transitioned out of the Weight Wize Program in Edmonton. I have to tell you the the program is FANTASTIC!!

I joined the program in March of 2009 and was just released. I had RNY surgery in August of 2010. I've lost a total of 226 lbs. My BMI was 71 and now its 30. I no longer have diabeties or Hypertension or High Cholesterol.

Weight Wise helped me control my life and gave me my smile back! I owe them my life.

All of my dieticians and nurses all stressed the same thing. Balanced diet and a varied diet. Keep life interesting in the foods you eat. Try new things but always remember to balance. After surgery (if you qualify) they will be more concerned about protein intake. This is because your body will be repairing after a major surgery and will need help in healing. It's also a slight more concern for RNY over sleeve. RNY removes some small intesting and inhibits the absorption of some protein chains... so the dieticians really want you to track the proteins. Most dieticians will not recommend the protein shakes for every day use. They want you on 'Real' food.

Good Luck on your journey. Mine was a Hell ofa a ride!!!!


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