Hilary P.
on 7/15/11 4:46 am - Decatur, AL
I have a really hard time getting in my 64oz of fluids in a day. Ive never been a big soda drinker or whatever. i like one diet pepsi a day but long ago ive swapped that for one unsweet tea w/ splenda from mcdonalds EVERY morning. its kinda like coffee to me i guess. i drink on that ALL day. rarely with anything else to drink. how do you do it? i feel like im literally drinking all day (and peeing all day) when i get all my fluids in.

Louise A.
on 7/15/11 6:13 am - Anniston, AL
Hilary the new data that I am reading now says 1 oz for ever 2 # you weigh, which means if a person weighs 150 #  you should try to get in around 75 oz of fluid a day.   The way I get in my 64 is to buy bottled water in the 16 oz bottles and I drink 4 of them a day.   I also think I need a McDonald tea ever day and that is just extra that I get in.  Don't feel bad about not getting in all your fluids I just about 2 years ago figured out how to do it.   Even at 8 years out I still do not get in all my protein.  Ever day I learn something new

Leslie M.
on 7/15/11 10:24 am - AL
I love the McDonald's unsweet tea also.  But you are right.....pee all day.  Then I was told that caffeine really doesn't count toward fluids !?!?!?   but I do it anyway!

I have also found that I like the Powerade Zeros.  They are sugar free and taste pretty good.  They also have some B vitamins in them.  I drink one a day now.

Have also been going to TJ Maxx and Big Lots........I find the most unique waters there.....well, not really the water but they are in pretty bottles  :)  which make them fun to drink!  LOL   Therefore I feel like I am indulging in something other than water cause I have a styling bottle!

Randall Culpepper
on 7/16/11 7:46 am - Guntersville, AL
 Almost 7 years out and I don't get in all my water either Hillary.  I do drink a lot of coffee, not as much as I use to though.  I have been trying to get in a lot of water to lose 25 more pounds.  Lyrica and steroids are NOT our friends.  HAHA!  Just sip as much as you can and do your best..  Have a great weekend.  :-)  Not much help in the advice area.  LOL 

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
       coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper

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