Checking in...

on 8/18/10 5:59 am
Over a week post-op now from RNY.  Gotta say that I'm feeling pretty good, better than I expected I think at this point.  I did have a little minor complication as it seems as though I was having a little bleeding/oozing from what Dr. Baker believes from a staple site somewhere.  Had to get checked out in the ER on Monday where a bleeding scan showed I wasn't bleeding enough to show up and my blood counts were lower from surgery but not dangerously low.  The meds he started me on has seemed to have stopped the bleeding since then.  I get my blood counts rechecked tommorrow to see where we're at but no more signs of bleeding in last two days so I think it may have stopped. 

I am now on the soft diet.  Looking for creative suggestions if anyone has them.  I've been eating some fruit, ff cottage cheese, greek yogurt with some splenda, tried some thicker refried beans/ff cheese blended with a bit of chicken broth and a touch of salsa.  In between meals, I've been having a couple of sf carnation instant breakfasts a day for extra protien and nutrition.  So surprised how I'm not hungry though on so little's amazing!!  Only thing I'm really missing is some pizza.....darn TV commercials!!  I really hope there is a way once I am through the phases there is a way to make a healthy baraitric friendly pizza.  Guess its time to get some new recipies!!  Maybe we should start a new thread??

Even with my little minor bump in the road to recovery I've had.  Gotta say that I so love Dr. Baker and how attentive he is.  Also so glad already to have done the surgery.  I've lost 22 pounds since starting the shake regiman (a little over about 3 weeks)!!!

Anyway, trying to get these boards a little more active and moving.  Hope everyone else is well.!
on 8/20/10 5:59 am - North Little Rock, AR
Sorry about your complication but it seems like otherwise you are doing well.  You attitude sounds great, which it has to be.  I am at week 6 and adding meats today (real meat besides tuna!).  It is a long haul to this point as far as limited foods and even more limited intake.  I got in a rut and stuck with it just to get to this point.  Same foods over and over because it was predictable and a no brainer.  It's only once that you have to go through with this post-op part, so just find some things you like and hang in there.  I have to have at least one shake a day or I can not make my protein goal.  I like iced ff, decaf lattes with some splenda.  That has helped with calcium intake as well as protein.  Just a thought if you like those.  Also, stay hydrated.  The worst I have felt yet was a week after surgery when I thought I could only sip an ounce an hour and got dehydrated.  Now, I just drink several mouthfuls and I am okay.  No tightness, etc...  Especially watch that while it is so hot out.  Hope you can make it to some support group meetings.  They are really helpful and encouraging after surgery.  Later!
on 8/23/10 1:05 am - Benton, AR
Here is a website with several ideas and recipes for the mushy stage.  I'm going to try the baked ricotta recipe... see if that will satisfy my pizza craving a little!
Best of luck to you! d-foods.html

Heaviest Weight=290  2 Weeks Pre Surgery=270  Day of Surgery= 260 
on 8/23/10 1:08 am - Benton, AR
Oh, that website also has recipes for her version of pizza.... she has lots of different varieties.  I'm looking forward to trying those when I get to that stage!

By the way, I also used Dr. Baker and have been soooooooo impressed by him!!  So glad I went with him!  I had gastric sleeve done almost 3 weeks ago and I'm doing great!  Do you  plan on going to the support group meetings at Baptist?  If so, maybe i'll see ya there!
Heaviest Weight=290  2 Weeks Pre Surgery=270  Day of Surgery= 260 
on 9/6/10 3:31 pm
Thanks for the suggestion on the website, I'm going to defiantely check that out!!  Yep, pretty much stuck with cottage cheese, some canned 100% juice fruit, and a sf carnation instant breakfast with extra protien scoop shake a day. 

Still no hunger but psychologically starting to miss food.  I know that I only have one more week of the soft diet phase before I can start adding some more variety to my diet though.  

Also social eating challenges have been in my face lately over the weekend.  I traveled to Mississippi for my husband's NCO graduation and had to stare at not only the entire table of lovely cheesecake just calling out but then of coarse a delicious plate of food that I couldn't touch a single thing on the plate at this stage.  Then the servers wouldn't take my plate very easily because they kept thinking I wasn't done yet.  Now my husband is back from being gone when I first started the preshake regiman and very jealous of him eating Taquitos, pizzas, and all sorts of good looking stuff. 

I'm very happy with my progress so far as I'm 32 pounds down already and noticing a big difference in the way my clothes are fitting but needless to say, I'm excited for the support group coming up this week.  I really need to be around people that understand what this is like.  I've lost count how many times I have had to say "nope, can't have that yet" to others just trying to be helpful and feeling bad I can't have anything.

Hope to see you Thursday!!!
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