Sleep apnea

Sim W.
on 1/17/07 1:20 am - Vancouver, Canada
Hi everyone, Well UBC Sleep Clinic had a cancellation for the sleep apnea test so I went in last night. The doctor came in to see me this morning and informed me that I have SEVERE Sleep Apnea-they counted 57-60 times every minute at certain intervals where I was being blocked. I am so scared and upset I can't tell you. Now I have to go and get the machine. I thought I may have had mild to moderate sleep apnea but not this much!!! But I guess the good news is if you can say that is that this co-morbidity will go in my file and maybe just maybe I can approved to go out of country for the surgery faster. They will put everything in a report and give it to me next month. Just wanted to share the news with you guys. Sim
(deactivated member)
on 1/17/07 8:53 am - Victoria, Canada
It is kinda shocking to hear that things aren't the way you thought they were...especially when it comes to our health. I am glad you know now for sure and can get yourself a machine...and hopefully you will begin to feel more energized. I have read many reports of how much better one feels once they start using their CPAP machines. Thanks for sharing Sim. Janice
on 1/18/07 9:53 am - Burnaby, Canada
Hey Sim, As scary as this sounds, this is the best news you could have gotten. Not because of the co-morbidity, but more because of your health. And as a WLS buddy of yours, I'm really happy to hear that they found this. Sleep Apnea is a silent killer, just as much as stress is. I've done a lot of research on it since I was showing some signs of it. It's scary what it can cause and can lead to death when not diagnosed. There are so many other small things that can happen from apnea such as high blood pressure, headaches, moodiness, reflux, anxiety, depression just to name a few. There was a very famous football player by the name of Reggie White that died in his 40's because of sleep apnea. I know I have been MIA lately but I had to come and respond to your news. Look at it as a blessing. I recently had my 2nd scope done and safe to say that Dr.M told me no polyps and the irritation is pretty much gone. No cancer like scares this time. As for me, I have a followup appointment with Dr.M on the 29th. I'll let you now if I hear anything from him.
Sim W.
on 1/18/07 12:31 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Bobby and Janice, It was so nice to hear from you two. It has been pretty quite around this board. Yesterday was a real wake up call for me. The doctor really scared me as he talked about everything that could happen to me including dementia, heart problems, brain damage, and of course death! I spent Tuesday feeling sorry for myself and having a good cry all day and then last night I put the mask on and tried to keep it on. It was very hard and I spent several hours tossing and turning as I tried to sleep. At least I stopped snoring but now I am afraid to go to sleep and I tend to panic and gasp for air now that I know which is ridiculous but it's amazing how your mind plays games. If this does not shock me into losing weight nothing will. Bobby I'm glad you are okay, Good luck with Dr. M. and keep us posted. I am hoping and praying every day. Keep in touch Warm regards Sim
on 6/16/07 2:36 pm - Vernon,, Canada
Hi Sim, I have been reading old posts and just read about your sleep apnea. I hope by now you have gotten used to the CPap or BiPap you are using. It took me a long time but now after two years I am thankful they found out I had sleep apnea. I really couldn't beieve it when they told me I stopped breathing every two minutes, no wonder I was so exhausted all the time. Anyway my health has improved and I sleep much better ( I used to be up 4-5 times a night to P), now I am usually not up at all. My daughter also has sleep apnea. She used to snore so bad no one wanted to sleep in the same house with her. We both have had surgeries since and really must be careful to take our machines to the hospital with us and are followed by respiratory therapy there. I wonder how this would affect WLS? Willy
Sim W.
on 6/16/07 11:41 pm - Vancouver, Canada
Hi Willy, A lot has happened since my post about my sleep apnea. I am cutting and pasting 5 of my the posts. " I was just diagnosed with severe sleep apnea 7 weeks ago so I know how you feel. I finally started to get used to it last week after almost 6 weeks of wanting to throw it against the wall!. I sleep about 6 hours max now and find that I have so much more energy during the day. At night I am still tired and often want to sleep after dinner but I force myself to stay awake so I can sleep better at night. I also found that I have to exhaust myself before I can sleep thru the night without getting up a few times. I stayed up until 2 am for the first 3 weeks or so and only slept maybe 3 hours a night when I first started the machine. I had to take a sick day once a week for the first while as I was too tired to even stand up never mind drive to work and function. " "For me a lot of it was psychological as I worried and could not relax with the machine when I first got it. I cried and was emotional all the time. I wanted to quit so many times but I stuck it out as I knew I had too. I found that I had to put it to the highest pressure they had set for me at which is 14 instead of letting it climb gradually from 6 which is how I was first introduced to the machine. It varies for everyone and it has a lot to do with your frame of mind, the more positive you are the better. As soon as I relaxed and accepted it, I started to adjust quicker. " " I feel so much better and have stopped having nightmares and hallucinations thru the night. For the past 5 years every night I would see a little man come to the foot of my bed and smile at me and talk to me. And then it changed to seeing a skeleton coming at me and pinning me down in my bed and started whispering in my ear and I could not move from my fright. It seemed so real and my body could not move I was frozen. One night, I screamed so loud that I woke up my neighbours who almost called the police because they though I was in danger . When I woke up I actually had knocked the night stand over and put a hole in the wall. At one point, I was thinking of going to see a psychiatrist. The doctor said that after not sleeping properly for years, my mind started playing tricks on me and hallucinations were happpening. My poor husband had to put up with it and had to comfort me all the time. I was afraid to go to sleep alone. Now I have had only one nightmare for the past 3 months. Thank god! " " Today I opened up my mail and I received a letter from Health Insurance BC and they have approved funding for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery by Dr. J. Hunter in Seattle, WA. This was one of the places that I had researched a few months ago where they do the WLS at the Virginia Mason Medical Center. I can't believe it! I started to cry and shake. I am in shock. Of course I still have to pay for scheduled appointments, travel arangements, accommodation and meals. They also said that MSP will not pay for drugs or supplies, but that's okay, I know this will cost me some money. That is a small amount compared to what I was going to do if I self paid. I wanted to share my news with all of you. " " Today I found out about my surgery date. It will be on Tuesday, June 26th at Virginia Mason hospital in Seattle!! I am so excited and nervous at the same time. It will be hard to concentrate on anything else for the next month. I just wanted to share my news with all of you. " Dear Willy, I believe that things happen for a reason. If I had not looking into WLS they would not have found that I had sleep apnea as I have it for at least 5 years! It is weight related for me and once I start to lose this weight once and for all, I think the sleep apnea will either disappear or be very mild. I am hoping it will disappear all together. I never had it before until I put all this weight on. This is the largest I have ever been!! Thanks for your post and take care Sim "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead" HW: 333 lbs CW: 306 lbs GW: 150 ish Surgery date: June 26, 07- RNY, Seattle, WA Surgeon: Dr. J. Hunter-Virginia Mason Medical Center
on 6/17/07 2:58 am - Vernon,, Canada
Hi Sim, Your surgery date is coming soon. I wish you all the best and send a prayer your way. Keep in touch with us and let us know how you do post op. I too think my diabetes, sleep apnea, high BP and Chol. are due to being obese. My knees were but now they are replaced. Now I am SOB (short of breath) and that is the last straw for me. I have to get this weight off! I am considering and researching WLS. I am eager to see how you will do. Good luck. Willy
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