Bariatric weight loss Councelor?

M. Lynn
on 12/6/13 2:49 pm

Does anyone know of a good psychologist in the lower mainland that does pre op counseling with bariatric patients? I'm not worried about getting depressed after the surgery I just want to work on some strategies for dealing with my emotional eating so that after i have the surgery I don't continue in my old habits. I am going to Mexico for the surgery as I am self pay so I don't really get any psychology screening before hand.

on 2/27/15 1:21 am
RNY on 07/11/16


I just read your post.  Its a bit late but Ive just been referred to Dr Michael Lyon at the Medical Weight Management Centre in Coquitlam.  Its a full program that includes Cognitive therapies.  You need a doctors referral and its covered by MSP.  Here's the website:

Good luck on your journey.


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