Why do you care if someone gets the surgery and is non compliant?

Twi light
on 3/27/11 2:09 am - NY
Why do many of you care so much about what other people do. I am not talking about the going on here complaining 10 times about not having money for vitamins or whatever the F. that is fine, that gets annoying, you guys get your panties in a wad and become rude to them... okay i can see that.

I am talking about why do you care if someone fails and dies. They knew the risks..... it is not your job to prevent them from doing it because you feel their internet research skills arent up to par and so by corollary they will suck at the DS.  None of you are their surgeon, and above all else it is a FORUM where most likely people come ot ASK QUESTIONS. If you get tired of hearing the same question over and over then maybe you should not visit a FORUM about WLS.
What do you think most people come on here to talk about ???  initial it is because they have questions, then if they stick around, which many of you try to prevent them from doing, they will share their results and struggles post op.

some of you need to learn to sensor yourselves and think b4 typing and stop being so F-ing judgemental and nasty

yah fire extinguisher ready with flame retardant thong on. 

Just so sick of adults being flat our rude like it is some sort of forum for catty teens.
on 3/27/11 2:22 am, edited 3/27/11 2:24 am
I am new and may be speaking out of line.   But this is why I believe they do it.    The DS is still not a well known surgery.   At this point, I think alot of us feel we need a tattoed diagram of the DS in the event we were in a car accident.    It would be so much easier on all of us if the DS was as popular as the gastric bypass.    For me personally, I would love to drive 20 minutes to a support group instead of 2 hours.   The more people we get educated on the DS, the better off we all are and the more everyone learns.    We all know the DS is a superior surgery IF you follow the rules and take care of yourself.    But the last thing we all need is someone not taking their vitamins, eating incorrectly, blaming the DS and giving it bad wrap.    Scaring people away from what is the best weight loss surgery to date.  

I didn't understand why some of the people on here are mean about it until I started to really understand their motives.    Not saying I agree with it and I prefer people to not be rude, but sometimes people probably need harshness to understand the reality of making bad choices with the DS.  
on 3/27/11 8:43 am - South Orange County, CA
Points well taken, all. I haven't the time to peruse the entire thread, and it's likely been addressed by others already here, but think it of import that surgeons going through the extraordinary measures to master this vastly more complex WLS surgical intervention only to find their post-ops out longer pasted with a big FAIL because they failed to supplement and/or follow-up in a judicious manner with their own health requirements.

Indeed, it can certainly be argued that many practices lack the necessary educational instructions appropriate for pre and post follow-ups regarding nutrition, supplements and the needed tailoring required to Lab results specific that present.

Patients- even marginally well suited selections can also be lacking in this frenzied process and has led some DS surgeons to announce, given the lack of compliance on the part of their patient base to further post to shy more and more away from doing the DS. 

Pre-op, the very early morn of my own DS, I was given like a 20 to 30 question quiz. It was so trivially simple as to almost be embarrassing. Never mind, I'm old outdated naval paramedic.

Moreover, please never feel your newness or desired input isn't without real significant value. So many are in your shoes and would never even consider posting here or anywhere on OH. Yes, there are those of us here who can be rude by conventual standards, but there are times when a big stick is needed more than candy.  I kind of like the candy approach, but I have been known to occasion the other part of the spectrum.


on 3/27/11 2:22 am, edited 3/27/11 2:27 am - Johnson City, TN
I am new here and still waiting on my date. But my guess the reason people care if people
start to die from having the DS it is going to make it much harder for the people *****ally need it/will be complaint. Insurance companies may stop paying for it, Surgeons may stop doing it.
Friends and family who might normally be supportive will have heard bad things about the surgery and you may lose their support out of fear On the flip side people who need it and could be complaint might be afraid to do it because they have heard bad things about it.

 Lastly, just because people get on your nerves and **** you off most people don't want them to die. I don't, I mean yeah go away and leave me alone but I don't want them dead.

Like I said I am new here and I may be way off base but those are some of the reasons I could see DSers not wanting people to have the surgery how aren't ready for it.
on 3/27/11 2:27 am

Just wanted to welcome you to the board.


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 3/27/11 2:53 am, edited 3/27/11 2:58 am - NY
Bravo. You get it.

What the OP fails to realize is that the medical community barely likes us to begin with.. A handful of vetted surgeons are doing the surgery in two parts as opposed to one surgery, due to their own issues with the DS, but mainly citing non-compliance.

It takes an inordinantly strong sense of self to advocate when **** goes awry. Systematically, there has been opposition all the way from surgeons to insurance approval. There are some of us who have waited six, seven and eight years for this surgery.

The last thing that veterans want to see are droves of people getting the DS, being non-compliant, ending up in the hospital and then blaming reputable surgeons or the surgery itself on why they are ****** nine ways to Sunday. These are the very people who run to EN, Michele, Diana and a slew of others, begging for someone to save their life, because of their stupidity.

A hard head makes for a soft behind.

I suggest that the OP realize that she/he might find himself in a world of hurt and the very people she's pointing out as rude and essentially as slags will promptly block upon perusing this thread and say go **** yourself when you need them the most. I've seen dozens in the last two years that I've been here, find themselves ****** lost and at the very mercy of those they called out for "bad behaviour".

We all think that we won't have issues post-op, but there are those of us who struggle and aren't so lucky. I am one of them. If I hadn't had the dear grace of EN to help me early out, I would more than likely be dead in a few years with a beautiful case of esophageal cancer to look forwad to. It is solely because of her that I've had a good go at the DS. Honestly, except for my NUT, I've received more care, concern, feedback and love from this board than my own surgeon's office. This help is the kind of help that money can't buy.

I'm offended by this thread. I really liked this OP, until she/he posted this bull**** I won't punk out and block, because I stand by what I say, but you have a long way to go, before you understand what the **** is really going on.

This **** isn't rainbows and unicorns. People have died and/or lost everything financially due to their stupidity. You have some ******g nerve getting on your soapbox. Earn your stripes first. Pay your g-ddamn dues. Save some ******g lives. Take hours, days, weeks, months and years away from your children, parents, spouse and work to give back to a thankless community and then tell me how g-ddamn happy you are to read someone spitting in your face, calling you out and claiming you to be rude. You need to grow up and recognize what the **** you're saying.

I can't ******g stand newbies like this.
We Are A Fever. We Are A Fever. We ain't born typical. ~ The Kills
If you have any g-ddamn sense and want WLS, think about the DS.www.dsfacts.com
on 3/27/11 3:07 am - AL
DAMMIT.  Where is the freakin' *like* button.  Best post I've read in a while.  Kudos.


on 3/27/11 3:32 am - Somerset, KY
These words were in my head but you get them out way better then I ever could. LOVE LOVE LOVE you sia!

OP/ Just in case you can't tell, my OPINION, see Sia's post above!!!!



 tazmaddy34 is my HW/SW/CW/GW 346/335/183/150   5'4.25"



Heather E.
on 3/27/11 3:36 am

Well said, Sia.


HW: 249/ CW: 130/ GW: 140

Twi light
on 3/27/11 4:02 am - NY
There  are a thousand other ways of expressing what you all are trying to say to that person than to be rude. My first experience on this board was not a good one.. people were down right judgemental and rude to me from my very first post and insunuated a metric fuckton about my personal life with my husband without even knowing anythign about me. There are certain people here whose opinion i devalue because of their introduction with me.

in terms of needed to advocate for yourself with the DS, how is it different with ANY Other  thing in the doctors office?? I never ever went to doctor where I felt i didnt need to fight and argue to get a diagnosis outside of "you are fat". Sorry, doctors are humans,and for the most part they dont know what you know about your own body, no one does. If the doctor is an ignorant f. then get the f out.

I am pointing out certain people as being rude because they are rude, is it absolutley impossible to provide the SAME information without being rude????

You are offended by me saying that people here are rude?Why is it okay for people to be rude but not okay to call them out on it

You can catch more bees with honey, you can be nice and tell people the same information. It takes more patience but it is possible

WHy would you really like me , that is not the vibe i got form 90% of the people on this board, like 3-4 people have been nice to me on here everyone else pretty much summed up their opinions from my first post on here . Yah that is exactly what i think of the forum as a whole, my initial interaction with them ... and then the private messages telling me stop posting and start searching instead .. like WTF.

So basically you all feel that because you CHOSE to post on here helping people you deserve some sort of medal and that medal you take in the form of being allowed to be rude to other people because people are thankless ? You take time away from your kids, family, etc to help others because you WANT TO. No one forces it on you, if you want to do it, do it nicely instead of being rude.

it gets a little tiring instead of opening a thread and reading informaiton it goes into crap like ... WTF GOOGLE THIS or GOOGLE THAT or WHY dont you search this, or I searched your past 4000 posts and youa sked this question the last 3000 times and let me quote to you what you said here and there.

IS THAT NECESSARY? lIke every day i have to read that, EVERY SINGLE DAY. WHy cant you all just be nice
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