I feel like im doing everything wrong

on 8/21/11 3:57 am - Atlanta, GA
RNY on 12/12/12
Hi everyone...........I just have some questions.I have been banded for a little over a year now and I just dont fee like I am doing anything right! I havent been to my Dr. in about 6 months because im embarrased about not losing enought weight. which I know is dumb but its just how im feeling.Not to mention im not really that comfortable with my surgeon. Everytime I  went in he always rushes everything he would give me a fill and that was it.I dont feel like he ever really explained anything to me. My insurance got approved and in a matter of days i was getting the surgery and now im just not sure if its me or if its the band. So these are the things that are going on. First of all i dont ever really feel full.I will have a a bite or two and I will get like a kind of stuck feeling like I cant take another bite but then about a mintue later its like i can feel it pass through the band and I can breath again and eat more. That just doesnt seem right because I can still end up eating a whole meal like i use to it just takes longer and after like the second time of me feeling it go down it doesnt happen again its like the gate is open. I just feel so embarrased and confused. I want to lose weight so badly and I took the step to get the surgery and now its even more embarraing because people know i have had it and im not losing any............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



on 8/21/11 4:06 am
How many fills did you have? I am still new at this but you have to measure your food and not eat a whole meal like you use too. Many people never get a full feeling. You have to measureout what you  eat and if you get hungry before 3-4 hours then you need a fill. You need to go see your doc or find a new one.
Highest 317 6/1 start pre-op diet312 6/15 2 days before surgery303 6/22 5 days post-op296  6/28 11 days post-op  290 7/5 18 days post-op 288 8/19 10 weeks post-op 278 9/10 274 11/6 268 2/18 257 3/26 249 5/14 237
on 8/21/11 5:47 am
VSG on 03/25/16
Hello Amber
First never be embarrassed to go to your doctor and get help, that's what he is there for and you paid him to make a commitment to you and to help you through out your journey.

You have not said how much you have in your band or how much weight you have lost. I am going to give you a link to an article LisaO posted a while back I posted it the other day. it really helped me. Second you need to measure your food. You should not be eating a full meal like you used to.Don't eat just because you can.  you do not want to stretch your pouch. What types of food are you eating? solid protein and veggies are going to keep you satisfied the longest. So I would start with solid protein eat 2-3 oz and wait a few minutes, see if you are getting satisfied not full . I measure, I eat about a  1/2 -1 cup of food at a time depending on what I am eating if its solid protein its about 1/4-1/3 cup plus veggies if I am still hungry I add more protein in about an hour or have a string cheese and turkey slice between meals. If you have any questions send me a pm I will be glad to help. I will send you a friends request  Call your Doctor and get some help.

A great article re: restriction and how the band w EditDeleteMove Down

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16

on 8/21/11 9:37 am
Hi -- I hope you will 'just do it' and make an appointment to see your surgeon.

When you call, find out if there is a PA (Physician's Assistant) or nurse you can meet with -- who can spend a little more time to answer all of your questions --- you might also ask if there is a Support Group that you can attend to get more info.

As far as the eating thing goes --- here is what worked for me.

I am not a good judge of 'full' --- I ate my way to 284 pounds by following my stomach's idea of what 'enough' is --- so, I found that I had to plan my portions and serve myself that food and eat it slowly and carefully and then just STOP eating.

I did not eat to feel full --- I ate until the food was gone (or before if I got a signal from my body to stop -- like a burp, or hiccups, or sniffles, or any type of pain).

I stopped eating and left the kitchen --- always telling myself that I could have more in 20 minutes if I was really hungry.  In 18 months while I was losing weight -- I never went back in 20 minutes --- because by then, a feeling of 'satisfaction' had kicked in, or I had gotten distracted by life.

1 hour after eating, I begin to sip/drink something non-caloric -- water, tea, etc.

When I got to the point where I was not staying satisfied by my small meals for 3 - 4 hours, I went back to see my surgeon for a small fill.  That was my 'measuring stick' for when I needed a small fill --- if a good meal of about 300 calories does not keep me satisfied for 3 - 4 hours, it was time for more fluid in my band.  (that meal was high protein/low-carb)

I ate 3 meals and 2 - 3 snacks a day -- and exercised between 30 and 60 minutes a day most days.

Good luck!!

debbie H.
on 8/21/11 12:50 pm - AR
VERY well put, Kath, and some of us need an occasional reminder...THANKS!!!
(deactivated member)
on 8/21/11 10:52 am - Des Moines, IA
I agree with the others have said.  In two years I have never felt a "full" sensation and that's okay! 
on 8/21/11 11:28 pm
Yep Amber! What they said!

And what Kath said! The idea is to not get 'full'...or our idea of full..
I have to portion my food out too...
and just eat what is allowed according to my dr... I COULD eat more, but that is how I got to 271...One of the things i try to stick with (at home is easier than if I am at a resteraunt)  "Do not eat in LESS than 20 minutes (chew reall well and slow) and for not MORE than 30 minutes".
If I stay at the table for longer, I can eat more...
After I eat my portioned amount, I stop...  My kitchen is close. If I am still hungry after I while,  I can get more, but as Kath said, I do not usually feel the need for more 
HW-272, PreOp Diet Start-269, SurgWeight-256,                                               CurrentWeight 189. 
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