on 4/15/09 12:59 pm - Ancaster, Canada
Post Date: 4/15/09 4:24 pm

Gave me goosebumps!!!

 Thank you...Thank you.... THANK YOU!  Thanks for posting this, I am in tears here and that was incredible!  What a testimony of how horrible people can be, so judgemental and mean.  She deserverd that moment and I hope she gets a chance to be a professional.  Imagine how much courage it took for her to get up there and do that.  What an amazing moment, for her, for them, for me. 

on 4/21/09 4:58 am, edited 4/21/09 4:58 am - Canada
That is such an amazing video. I had to cry at the end. Everyone thought she was a joke just by looking at her. I wonder how many more people have such amazing talent but aren't given a chance to show it because they don't fit the mold. I hope she captures everyones heart like she has mine.
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