Psyche evaluation tomorrow - anything I need to know???

on 7/27/11 12:31 am - Canada
Tomorrow is my day for my Psyche evaluvation.  Is there anything I need to know???  What kind of questions will she be asking?

(deactivated member)
on 7/27/11 1:22 am
theresa is very easy to talk to.she will ask simple but important questions.dont worry just be honest.good luck
on 7/27/11 2:13 am - Canada
Thanks so much.  Looking forward to getthing this step in the process completed.  Just wish my Nutritionist appt was sooner.
Tanya W.
on 7/27/11 4:50 am - Winnipeg, Canada
I was nervous before my Psych evaluation too. What if I am crazy and don't know it - I thought... :-) As stated above, Teresa is easy to talk to. She gives you important thigns to think about and wants to make sure that you are making an informed decision.

Good luck with everything!

on 7/27/11 6:24 am - Canada
Good luck! She is very informative...without being arrogant or pushy. She is probably the BEST person you can talk to about this, as she is extremely educated in this area. Her Masters thesis actually deals with obese people and the bias/prejudice they face. She's also not judgemental.

She will approve or not approve you based on your answers, your lifestyle, etc: If you have a good support system in place, can take enough time off of work, etc. If she feels that you won't take the time needed to heal, or you don't have the supports in place, then she'll offer ways of "troubleshooting" and help you in solving those issues. She also will verify if you've ever had any other addictions besides foods, b/c she's worried about an 'addiction transfer'. She'll ask you about when you started experiencing prolems with weight,( if it started in childhood or high school), if you've experienced any major losses in your life, family history of depression, etc. She'll ask what your biggest issue is with food (if you're a binge eater, grazer, eat too quickly, stress eater, etc). She'll ask what you're most looking forward to once you loose the weight, what you're biggest anxiety is with regards to the surgery. Also, she'll want to ensure that you have an exercise program in place.
That's all I can remember for now! 
Let us know how it goes!

on 7/27/11 8:39 am
Yeah, for sure let us know how you make out.  I'm curious too what they want to know.  Good luck tomorrow.  I'm sure everything will go well for you.  :)
on 7/30/11 10:02 am - Canada
Thanks all for the support before my appointment with Teresa.  She was totally awesome and I will be approved by her for surgery.  One step closer. 

She asked many questions regarding my lifestyle.  Do I smoke, drink, do drunk and if I have done any of the following.  Do any members of my family have or ever had any addictions.  We talked about my support system before and after surgery.  How it is not necessary to tell people about what kind of surgery I am having.  About time off of work.  Not to make any major life changes in the next year (new job, marriage, move etc)  Nothing that will cause extra stress.  About dealing with life after surgery and how it will change cause you will get attention that you may not have ever had before.  Issues about about and why I gained weight.  Exercise before and after surgery.  What I'm looking forward to most after surgery.  Think that's about it.  Can't remember everything but it was actually very painless.

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