Barium Swallow

on 9/6/11 6:23 am - Canada
I have my barium swallow on Friday.  Does anyone know how long it takes?  What exactly I need to do?  Not looking forward to this.  Trying to figure out my day to let work know.
on 9/6/11 10:33 am - Winnipeg, Canada

I think it varies with everyone. You swallow a couple of glasses of grossness and they xray every 20 minutes or so to follow the material through your gut. Probably a couple hours - give or take. Good Luck


on 9/6/11 3:40 pm - Canada
not sure where yours is, but mine was at St. Boniface.

they made me drink this chalky/minty/icky drink really fast and eat a little fizzy tablet.
it will make you feel quite interesting.

and then you get x-rayed while you roll over - like a log roll.
very interesting and embarassing. haha...
hello? we're going in for WEIGHT LOSS surgery & you want me to log roll under an x-ray machine?
i kinda laughed about it.

i felt fine that day, if i remember - but the next day i felt crappy.
check out my youtube page, i did a video about it.

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on 9/7/11 2:57 am - Canada
Thanks ladies.......Tuckergirl you made me laugh about rolling like a log.  I'm going to go into this now laughing in my head.....and thinking how stupid I'm going to look. 

You ladies are the best.
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