spoke to Andrea

on 4/19/12 1:22 am - Canada
VSG on 04/03/12
I think those medical loans are a little higher rate... not 100% sure

I ended up putting it on my credit line. There are also home equity line of credits you can get without actually putting it on your house consolidation. Those are the cheapest to use.  I think our line of credit interest is about 6% off hand.  They don`t care what you use it for. Or you can look at a personal loan , same idea. 

I know my sister is thinking of getting in the next couple of months. She is going to renew her mortgage and work the extra money in , along with some repairs on her house.

HW 295 lbs,CW 195, nuts goal-210, my goal 175 surgery date April 3 in Tijuana with Dr Ponce De Leon      

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