Lynn B.’s Posts

Lynn B.
on 5/28/12 1:42 pm
Topic: RE: Post op booze
I was 10 months out when I had my first few drinks.  I honestly didn't notice a difference and I had several that night.  I would definitely avoid any type of drink with carbonation though, as this still affects me in a negative way.  I think as long as it's in moderation, I wouldn't worry about it.  My biggest reason for waiting so long is I didn't want the calories!

Lynn B.
on 5/17/12 2:12 pm
My plastic surgeon works out of Maples Surgical Centre - Dr. Jennifer Giuffre - I guess for all of our sakes I should get more details from her as to what Manitoba Health is saying the prerequisites are.  My weight loss is over 100 lbs as well but the number and time maintained were never asked by Manitoba Health.  All they wanted to know was the measurement of my pannus (which, by the way, was 18.5 cm from belly button to top of pelvis - down and back up - lol)
Used2bethin, could we please get the name of your doctor and plastic surgeon you plan to use.  Also, were there any details given on your approval letters from Manitoba Health which might assist my surgeon in her next request to them?  I will tell her what you already mentioned about the 100 lbs and time frame.

Lynn B.
on 5/15/12 1:26 pm
I am so excited for you as I have been researching it here in Manitoba - had my plastic surgeon do a consult and send a letter to Manitoba Health.  When my surgeon sent a letter back in January 2012 requesting they cover the pannilectomy, my first reply was a request for a measurement of my pannus.  We sent this information at the end of March 2012.  My second reply (which I just found out today) was a "NO" not covered as they feel there is no medical reason.  My surgeon said she is not taking that as a final answer and will be sending additional letters to Manitoba Health.  I will keep you all posted.  At this point, I am just going to try and put as much money into my savings as I can in case I have to pay for it myself, because I will definitely be getting it done - one way or the other. 
Lynn B.
on 5/14/12 2:05 pm
Topic: RE: wondering what happened to all the vets
Hi - I am here too!  Trying to get out to the meet and greets now as well.  My recovery from the hernia is going well - went back to work last Monday.  Started at 300 lbs - had reached my goal weight of 150 prior to getting the hernia and lost another 17 lbs before I came out of the hospital.  Have managed to put back about 9 lbs which is good because I felt my weight had dropped too low- think I might try and keep it around 145.  Will see how I feel. 

Been very busy as well just enjoying the great outdoors now that the sun is back and looking so forward to this being an amazing summer full of new activiities for my daughter and me. Bought a bike and a trailer so we can explore the city more.  My new favorite activity is dancing!  Can't get enough - lol!

Even with the health hiccups, I don't regret it for a minute! 
Lynn B.
on 4/30/12 4:20 am
Topic: RE: meetand greet
I will be there

Lynn B.
on 4/20/12 1:49 pm
Topic: RE: Finally Fixed!
Thanks everyone - yes it is a relief that things are getting back to normal.  Feels odd being in the position of actually making the effort to GAIN weight.  I am still trying to put another 5-10 lbs back on!   I will enjoy the extra calories while I can - lol

Lynn B.
on 4/19/12 1:27 pm
Topic: RE: Finally Fixed!
Hello to everyone,

At the last meet and greet I was still suffering from abdominal pains that caused me to have a twisting feeling in my intestines, chills, nausea and vomitting foamy bile that would last between 30 minutes to an hour after I would eat.  It didn't happen everytime I ate though, and there was no rhyme or reason to which foods would trigger it.  The pain was in my bellybutton area, but I imagine this could vary.

It got so bad, that I was unable to work and lost 17 lbs in a 3 week period.  I became very dehydrated and as the doctors were unable to get me in for a gastroscopy any earlier than April 10th, I had to be admitted into the hospital on April 7th in order to be put on IV to rehydrate me and keep me out of pain until my procedure could be done. 

In the last month I have had an MRI, CT scan,regular x-rays, a small bowel follow through x-ray, gastroscopy and finally an exploratory laproscopy.  In the final laproscopy, they detected a massive hernia (referred to as a Petersen's Hernia which can occur with Roux-en-Y gastric bypasses).  Dr. Vergis repaired it and I am on the road to recovery at last.  I will be off work a few more weeks, but am so relieved that they were able to find the source of my troubles. 

I just wanted to give you a description of the symptoms in case others may experience something similar.  Make sure you don't ignore it and seek medical attention.  I hope to be good as new in time for the next Meet and Greet

Lynn B.
on 4/19/12 1:05 pm
Topic: RE: M & G
I should be able to make that as well.
Lynn B.
on 4/1/12 1:17 pm
Topic: RE: Great turn out...Thanks Michelle
Wonderful to hear all of your stories - even the scary ones!  Looking forward to seeing you all again as we continue our journies.

Lynn B.
on 3/30/12 1:14 am
Topic: RE: Roll Call.
Lynn, Surgery Date July 18/11 - RNY - Highest Weight 300 - Current Weight 141
Lynn B.
on 3/28/12 11:16 am
Topic: RE: Stricture or Ulcer?
Thanks Lori - I will try and post there.  

Lynn B.
on 3/28/12 7:07 am
Topic: RE: Stricture or Ulcer?
I have been having a really tough week. 

Last Wednesday, I was scared but excited as I went in to have a brachioplasty done (removal of excess skin on your arms and on the sides of breasts).  This is a small plastic surgery that I have been saving for which I really wanted to have done and healed before summer in order to feel more confident and be able to wear all clothes that showed my full arms. 

The surgery was done at Maples Surgical Centre by Dr. Jennifer Giuffres (who was wonderful).  I am healing nicely she says and I no longer was in pain by Friday.  Just have to take it easy and no lifting.

Then came Saturday morning - I tried to eat breakfast and ended up in the fetal position on my couch with chills, vomiting and stabbing pain below my belly button.  I had experienced this same pain in December (several times per day for several days) as well as less severe but similar single episodes in January and February.  In December, I was hospitalized for one week.  They suspected biliary stones in my common bile duct.  They tried to do an ERCP but were unsuccessful due to my RNY Gastric Bypass having changed my anatomy too much.  Then they scheduled me for an MRI but it was one week after the initial attack, so when the results came back "clear" - they assumed the stones had passed on their own and released me.  Said it might happen again, but it shouldn't.

Well it did - again and again - and last weekend was the worst I have experienced.  I had seen Dr. Andrews recently since I had been hospitalized with the last attack in February, so he had me go in for an MRI on March 16 again.  He also scheduled a gastroscopy for me April 10th.  While in the emergency ward at St. B hospital this weekend, they told me that the MRI results were clear once again.  What could be causing this???  Has anyone else experienced this type of pain?

I had a total of 5 extremely painful episodes throughout the day and evening on Saturday.  They released me Sunday morning - only to go home and have spend the day going through the same pain another 5 or 6 times.  It usually lasts for an hour each time and it now feels like my intestines are twisting as well.  I had several painful BM's on Sunday as well - but haven't had any since then. 

Everytime I drink a shake or eat anything, I hurt bad. 

Saw Dr. Vergis today (thank you for fitting me in!) and he said that they are going to explore two possible other options now that they have ruled out the possibility of gallstones.  He said it could be ulcers, or a stricture.  He put me on Nexium until my Gastroscopy Dr. Andrews will be doing April 10th.  During this procedure, they can confirm if it is either of these two problems.  If it IS a stricture, they will widen the space by inserting a balloon during the same procedure. 

My worry is "how do I survive till then"????  I had already reached my goal weight of 150 and saw that I was down to 142 this morning.  Everything I eat hurts.  Dr. Vergis said to try a concentrated Boost shake and drink it out of a pill cup - that amount every 15 minutes.  So now the pain is less severe - but pretty much constant.    Dr. said if I felt I was getting too dehydrated or malnourished they would have to admit me into St. B and put me on IV until April 10th.  I really don't want that!!!  I am a single Mom of a 3 yr old daughter and don't know how I am going to do this.

If anyone has experienced this, or has any ideas to share, please do!!

Thank you!

Lynn B.
on 3/27/12 2:48 pm
Topic: RE: Meet and Greet - April 1st - Noon-5pm - 730 King Edward Street
I am planning on attending as well as long as I am able to healthwise.  Spent last wknd in emergency and have been down since.  Seeing Dr. Vergis regarding this tomorrow.  Have finally been able to eat today, so I hope I am on the mend.  See you all there!

Lynn B.
on 3/8/12 8:15 pm
Topic: RE: Meet and Greet Reminder - April 1st
I am planning to attend - this will be my first M & G, but after seeing you on the news, I realize that the support of others who have gone through this is so vital to all of our success.  I am having a brachioplasty on March 21st, so as long as I am recovering normally, I plan to attend.  If anyone is curious about plastics, I can share my experience so far and what the doctor's have told me from the consultations.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Lynn B.
on 2/15/12 11:36 am
Topic: RE: Plastic Surgery Information
I just had a consult at Maples Surgical Clinic for my arms.  While there I asked if they knew what I could expect regarding the panniculectomy coverage.  The surgeon said she would write a letter on my behalf to Manitoba Medical to inquire about coverage.  She felt confident it would be covered even though I told her I had heard that you must have rashes, etc and up to this date I had not experienced this.  I will keep you all posted as to the results of this. I am scheduled to have a "Brachioplasty" (removal of my bat wings) on March 21st.  This is not covered by insurance at all but is really important to me as it is so visible.  I will be left with a scar, but I can live with that.  The price tag is $4,400 plus gst.    I also had to pay $100 for my doctor to fill out a pre-op form as Manitoba Medical doesn't cover any of it (normally would have been $40).I am hoping to have the panniculectomy done around Christmas.  I reached my goal at New Year's (6 months after surgery) and hope to maintain my weight for a year prior to the panni surgery.  To have a complete lower body lift, I was quoted $11,500 plus gst less whatever is covered for the panniculectomy (estimate $2000-$4,000). Doubt I will be able to afford the full lift, but thought I would share the information for anyone who was wondering.
Lynn B.
on 2/15/12 11:29 am
Topic: RE: Tummy tuck Coverage in Manitoba?
I just had a consult at Maples Surgical Clinic for my arms.  While there I asked if they knew what I could expect regarding the panniculectomy coverage.  The surgeon said she would write a letter on my behalf to Manitoba Medical to inquire about coverage.  She felt confident it would be covered even though I told her I had heard that you must have rashes, etc and up to this date I had not experienced this.  I will keep you all posted as to the results of this. 

I am scheduled to have a "Brachioplasty" (removal of my bat wings) on March 21st.  This is not covered by insurance at all but is really important to me as it is so visible.  I will be left with a scar, but I can live with that.  The price tag is $4,400 plus gst. 

Was hoping to have the panniculectomy done around Christmas.  I reached my goal at New Year's (6 months after surgery) and hope to maintain my weight for a year prior to this surgery.  To have a complete lower body lift, I was quoted $11,500 plus gst less whatever is covered for the panniculectomy (estimate $2000-$4,000). Doubt I will be able to afford the full lift, but thought I would share the information for anyone who was wondering.
Lynn B.
on 1/25/12 8:07 pm
Topic: RE: Dr. Oz
Thank you Lori - didn't know it was on!  I copied the link and forwarded it to my friends and family that don't really understand the surgery and have doubts and fears for my health.  I hope it gives them a better understanding of what we experience and why we choose this surgery.  A very good visual explanation for anyone to understand.

Thanks again,
Lynn B.
on 1/11/12 9:38 am
Topic: RE: boobs
A panni is the nickname for a pannilectomy - the surgery that removes the "apron"like fold of skin that remains around the waist when a person loses a sizeable amount of weight.  It can cause health problems, like rashes and infections.  It is not the same as a tummy tuck.   Google it for more information if you like.  It appears to be covered by medical in some provinces, but is yet to be determined in Manitoba.
Lynn B.
on 1/8/12 11:51 am
Topic: RE: boobs
When I last went to see Dr. Hardy, she said there is no guarantee that the panni is covered yet.  They are still in the talking stages with Manitoba Medical and the plastic surgeons.  Which is disappointing as it sounded like it was automatically part of the post surgery procedure when I went for my consult (and I can certainly use it!) 

A woman I know in Thunder Bay had her panni and breasts covered out there.  Because it is so new here, I think there are a lot of unknowns for us.  Will let you know if I here anything more - I have an appointment with Dr. Hardy this week and will ask again!

Lynn B.
on 1/8/12 11:47 am
Topic: RE: Biliary Stones
Hi Everyone - haven't been on the forum for a while - nice to see everyone is still here for support.  I just wanted to share a recent experience with you all - I had my RNY in July 2011 and have had a bit of discomfort when trying to digest certain foods  - I'd say about once a week - but it would usually pass within 30 minutes to an hour.  I started having pain more often and a couple weeks ago the pain would not go away - got progressively stronger.  I felt nauseous and was throwing up foamy bile.  Went to emergency and ended up in the hospital for over a week with biliary stones (similar to gallstones, only that they occur in the common bile duct leading from the liver to the small intestine - I had my gall bladder out 20 years ago).  One of the causes of these stones is rapid weight loss, so I mention this as it could happen to a lot of us. 

Anyway, they tried to remove them with a scope, but due to my changed stomach anatomy, they were unsuccessful. I was on an IV for a week as I could not eat without getting sick. I finally was sent for an MRI but by then the stones had passed on their own.  Just want to let you all know that if you have pain that lasts for an extended period - don't ignore it - get checked out because you do not want to end up with pancreatitis as a result.  I am feeling fine now - just hoping it doesn't reoccur.  Take care everyone!
Lynn B.
on 8/24/11 4:10 am
Topic: RE: Pannilectomy question
Okay - so I wasn't imagining things - lol - wonder what has changed since April? 
Lynn B.
on 8/23/11 12:52 pm
Topic: RE: Pannilectomy question
Hi, just wondering if anyone remembers what they were told in their initial consult about a pannilectomy being available through Blue Cross if required after weight loss (with the costs covered as well)? I could have sworn Dr. Hardy said this, but when I saw her last time she mentioned that there is no arrangement as such yet.  Because this is a new in Manitoba and people shouldn't be getting it done until at least two years after surgery, they haven't got any arrangement with the Plastic Surgeons yet. 

Does anyone have more information than this?  Just curious - I know it's a long way off, just feel that I will likely be getting one at some point. 


Lynn B.
on 8/4/11 11:15 pm
Topic: RE: Day 11 of 14 - Pre Op Diet
My stay was 3 days,  two nights - they released me early on the morning of the third day.  The doctors did say that some people were being released after only one night if they were doing well enough.

Good luck!

Lynn B.
on 8/4/11 12:47 am
Topic: RE: Fatigue during cycle
 Hi Everyone,

I had my surgery on July 18/11 and everything went well.  The only problems I have had since are severe pain and cramping one evening (due to my own mistake of taking 3 of my supplements without crushing them first - bad idea!  I was at the Emergency Ward with my toddler and realized I hadn't taken these yet, decided just to wash them down one at a time with water).
The other problem I experienced in the last couple days is extreme fatigue - to the point where I thought I would faint.  I had to ask my parents to come and pick us up as I was afraid to be alone with my daughter.  The only thing I can think is that I hadn't had as much sleep as usual and I was having my first menstrual cycle since surgery.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I seem to be better today, but it was scary.

I am also having a real hard time getting down my iron supplement (crushed).  It tastes like I am eating metal shavings and makes me throw up, even mixed with applesauce.  I am going to ask my pharmacist if it comes in any other format. 

The scale is starting to go down again (after going up 9 lbs after surgery) - am now down 11 lbs. from my surgery weight. 

Sure am looking forward to eating solids again though - am going shopping today to try and find some new variety for this pureed diet - need more protein foods in my fridge!

Lynn B.
on 7/26/11 11:22 am
Topic: RE: Day 2 of 14 day Pre-Op Diet
Just wondering what you are choosing to eat for your two cups of veggies each day?  I found that if I chose my favourites  (cherry tomatoes and cucumbers) and cut them into small bites it felt more satisfying than just the shake.  Give it a try.  Good luck!  The two weeks is over before you know it!

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