Dr Hornbostel

on 3/24/11 5:19 am - Fort Hood, TX
Hello Missouri Board!

I asked this question on the Revision Board but I thought I might come here to ask, in hopes that it will find it's way to other patients of Dr Hornbostel. 

Does anyone know which surgeries Dr H does?  I read on his "profile" that he does pretty much everything (DS, RNY, Banding, etc etc) but those profiles don't seem to be correct on other surgeons, so I am not relying on the info there.  I am specifically looking for info on the Revisions he does. 

I am 5+yrs post op from Open RNY, possibly needing a revision.
J J the Jet Plane
on 3/24/11 11:57 am
I have yet to meet anyone who has had a DS from him, and I looked for a while. 
~ thats all the information I have to share.

Hope you find what you needing.


on 3/24/11 12:08 pm - Fort Hood, TX

Me too. After alot of searching, I have found a wealth of great feedback and info  on Dr Hornbostel but nothing on DS.  I am not even sure that I am interested in DS actually, and certainly not sure that it is right for me.  On the revision board, people PUSH DS like they work for the surgeon or something. It's a little much but their pushy scare tactics must be working (even on ME) because I found myself feeling like I SHOULD want DS.

Anyways, I am looking fwd to meeting with Dr H next week to explore options for me and hopefully find a solution to my complications and weight gain.

Thank you so much for your reply.

J J the Jet Plane
on 3/24/11 9:14 pm
Are you in MO now?  I live in MO and having surgery in KS, but went to seminars in NE, KS, and MO.

I do not think the DS is for everyone.  If one can not comply with the lifestyle then no they should not have the DS. Also there are only like 4 or 5 surgeons in the US that even do RNY to DS revisions and please do not let anyone else tell you otherwise. You will have to travel to get this done.
It scares me for other people when doctors do not tell people the complete and total truth.  There are many people who listened to their doctors and didn't do any research and ended up with something they didn't want or need.

Make sure you talk to others who have had that ERNY.  I know he is a good surgeon for RNY but revisions are a whole new ball park, make sure you find references from other people.  Make him draw you a sketch of exactly what he is planning to do to you so you will know for sure. 

I have been lurking on OH for about 5 years, and finally came online this year again. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on while I wait out my 6 mo diet history.

Good luck with your appointment!

on 3/25/11 1:59 am - Fort Hood, TX
Yes, I do presently live in Missouri, in the Ft Leonard Wood area. 

I have pretty much ruled out DS for myself, however I do have a referral to go see Dr John Rabkin in CA.  I dont believe my insurance will pay for DS but they will pay for my visit to him, if I chose to go, and the doctors visits, etc.  They just wont pay for DS unless I really really FIGHT them.. (which, I am known to do anyways.)

My need/interest in a possible revision is less for weightloss (although I could stand to lose 40-50 lbs) and more to stop the chronic vomiting issue I have, which has effected my esophagus, my teeth, and who-knows-what else. I will know for certain on Tuesday, but I suspect a significant amount of stretching; either of my pouch or stoma or both.  And I have a hernia that is causing great discomfort and might be linked to bowel issues and the vomiting.

I really feel that RNY was right for me.  I even say that as I struggle with whether I have failed this surgery or whether it has failed me.  If everything is where it should be, and the size that it should be (pouch, stoma, etc) then I will NOT be seeking a revision.  If Dr H feels that a revision will help me stop vomiting, stop gaining weight, and possibly even lose some weight- I will be completely on board with him.  

I am so thankful for OH and the info, advice, and feedback that I have found here. Thanks again for your reply. 
J J the Jet Plane
on 3/25/11 6:02 am
Megan -
I know a lot of people like Dr H. and he has a good rep, so I think its a great place to start.

BTW--Just read your profile and I am so sorry for your loss. 

I can not imagine, that is a lot of stress on someone.  I hope your life is happy and that you have a good outcome with your next decision. 

on 3/25/11 5:47 am
 I have heard him say he will not do the lap band. I do not think he does ds , but I know he has done a sleeve.  It was for someone he planned to do RNY on and ran into problems.  I say give him a call.

on 3/25/11 6:37 am, edited 3/25/11 6:37 am - Fort Hood, TX
My first yr after surgery was great. I don't recall being ill unless I took chances or experimented and ate something new. ie. The 1st yr was when I discovered that rice was an absolute no-no and that bread was more tolerable if it is toasted. and so on. I started at 250lbs. Got to 168lbs. had a tummy tuck and lost a little more to sit steady at 148ish. by 1 yr post op. 

My husband died just days shy of the 1st anniversary of my surgery, so my 2nd yr post-op was completely consumed with grief, moving, studying every detail of my husband's death, and being absorbed with the war and widowhood. The hours I use to spend on OH.com and trying new GB friendly diets, and surrounding myself with support for WLS, was suddenly replaced with hours of chatting online with other widows, and seeking out support in my grief and for my daughter. I no longer thought about what I weighed ( i had stopped losing weight before he died and I thought that I had reached my lowest weight. I was about 148lbs and I was very satisfied with it.)  I just left the surgery behind me 

Around yr 3 post op, I noticed some weight gain. only about 10 lbs though, and considering the trauma from the previous year, i wasnt concerned. I hated that extra 10 lbs but I had always heard that most people gain back a little bit and find a comfortable weight. I thought my comfortable weight might have been 155-160lbs. This is the yr that I noticed more vomitting. I wasn't emotionally ready for something to be "wrong" with my health, and I just accepted the vomiting as part of my new life. 

Yr 4, I yo-yo'd. I went up to 167lbs and I freaked out. I thought I would just die if I saw the 170's again (not that 170 is even all that bad for me. i am 5'4 and I don't look or feel horrible at 170... bu****ching my weight climb was so upsetting.) I became addicted to the gym (which was a great addiction, if I had one--- I need to get back to that). I tried every imaginable diet, liquid diet, "back to the basics" diet like right after surgery, fad diets, even got my pcm to give me a prescription for a weightloss pill that is closely related to speed. WAIT! What was I doing?? diets? fad diets and pills? what the heck? I thought that I would NEVER do any of that again, after having GB. I went down again- all the way to 155lbs (wiith the help of the medication and accompanied by alot of involuntary vomiting). I met a man, a widower with a daughter close in age to my daughter and began a relationship. I started to LIVE again and tried not to let Gastric Bypass OR widowhood define me. I still went to the gym but not at an obsessed rate. He is fit and we are very active.  I have continued "diets" and paying alot of attention to what I eat but my weight climbed slowly, the entire year of 2010, ending the year at about 172 lbs.  

And here we are at yr 5, which started in December. I have gained 15lbs in JUST 3 months!!! I DO see that it has to do with what I eat, but I feel like it is a lose lose situation. I go days and days in a row without keeping anything down. I seem to throw up everything (sometimes even liquids) and then .. this is gross, but you know how the details of WLS are sometimes gross--- but after a serious, violent, forced vomit, that would make sure EVERYTHING comes up. I would feel so much better. I feel hunger constantly but I am so tired of throwing up, so I find that I eat alot of "slider" foods/soft foods (crackers. cheese. peanut butter. yoghurt. jello.snacks that break down.  I do not tolerate Ice Cream, thank goodness because that would double the weight I have gained.... but I never feel full since all I eat (and keep down) is soft foods, which tend to be higher in calories.

In 2011, I have realized that I need to take my life back. I need to take it back from the grief and not let being a war widow define me.  I need to be more attentive to my health and my body. I have had a hernia for months. It causes a great deal of discomfort but my PCM didnt seem alarmed by it, so neither was I.  I just recently did some internet research on hernias after WLS and discovered how dangerous they can be.  I read that itt COULD be related to vomiting, constipation, diarrhea,.. all of which I have had issues with.   I need to start caring that I vomit so often and that I feel pain and weak, etc. It is showing in my teeth and I imagine that it has to have effected my esophagus by now.  As much as I am dreading my scope next Tuesday, I can't wait to have it and find out what is really going on.  I must grasp that vomiting every day, several times a day is NOT normal and I have to stop pretending that it is. I know that IF I keep this up, I will either face vomiting every meal I eat or I risk gaining back ALL of my weight and then some. Neither is acceptable.
J J the Jet Plane
on 3/25/11 8:22 pm
Take care of yourself!  Sounds like you are on the right path, and no you shouldnt have to be getting sick all the time.

You know there was an article published and posted somewhere here not too long ago about hernia's.  I will go see if I can find it.  It was talking about having laproscopic surgery and hernias.  If I find it I will PM you.

Feel Better soon!


on 3/27/11 8:45 pm - Fort Hood, TX

just wanted to thank you for replying and reaching out.  and thank you for ackowledging my loss. 

Even though the board is relatively quiet compared to some previous months and years, I LOVE the luxury of being able to read back into old posts.  I have spent countless hours researching, reading, and gathering valuable info from the last few yrs of posts on this message board.  MO message boarders are great!!!   and I feel SO confident that I have picked the right surgeon for me!  Now, I just have to hold my breath and see if he agrees to be my surgeon. 

Anyways.. just wanted to say thanks again. I am still researching hernia's after WLS, so any info or feedback you have is much appreciated.

I hope you are doing well and that today is the start to a great week.
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