Help please

on 7/10/07 9:40 am - Guysborough, Canada
Hi I was on Dr MacDonald's wait list for 2 1/2 years only to find out recently he retired. This is my third time for starting the process (began it in BC but moved). Can any one tell me should I get a referral to Dr Beausoleil first or should I have my doctor write to MSI for approval first? Has anyone gotten approval from MSI to go the private clinic in Montreal where they do out of province patients?
on 7/13/07 1:06 am
Hi Debbie, My understanding is that the province will not pay for the bypass. OHIP does pay for out of country treatment, but not out of province. We see many Canadian patients here in Utica, NY. feel free to call us if you have any questions. We are seeing a pt from Nova Scotia. They have a secondary insurence. We will be working to tyr to make this affordable. good luck, Dr. Graber 315-624-4740
on 7/13/07 2:24 am - Wedgeport, NS, Canada
I have been waiting 5.5 years you I am on my third Dr. I would get a refferal sent to Dr B as soon as possible, as the wait list is growing fast. AND also get your family Dr to make the letter to MSI. It needs to go to DR.BUGDEN, he is the one who makes the decision. You must see a Metobolic specialist, I saw Dr. Ransom in halifax. As soon as you recieve approval from MSI you need to notify Dr B's office and you will be moved to the pre-approved list. ( a bit shorter list) Get your family Dr to put as much information in the letter to Dr Bugden as possible to help the approval. The NS government does not fund ANY surgeries in private clinics as of yet, they do however pay for you to have lap-band done in NB, all but the cost of the band (4500-5000) or in other provinces in a PUBLIC facility.( with approval , so request approval for both bypass and lapband, that way you will have a choice) The gastric bypass is covered in NB, Nowhere else as of yet. If you have any more questions feel free to contact me at [email protected] ! Good luck! Krista Cook
on 7/13/07 11:22 pm - kingston, Canada
Good morning I just had my lap band surgery done in Mississauga Ont. I had to pay for everything, my insurance or the govt would not pay. I was in a bit of a bind, I am almost 52 years old and did not want to wait the years it was taking for an apt with Moncton. I know it is very frustrating and very expensive but I can claim it on income tax, and I was just sick of being sick, so I took the plunge and paid for it. I am really pleased so far, I had surgery no July 3rd and returned home to NS on Thursday July 5th no hosp stay involved. I found the people at the clinic to be wonderful and they are just a phone call away, I have called them several times with food related quesions. I can get my fills done in Halifax which is wonderful so hopefully things will continue to go well. I know it is not for everyone and it is expensive but luckily I am still working and will be able to pay it off soon, and I just felt I was worth it! I wanted to redo my kitchen this year and then I just thought I would redo myself instead... same cost. I really look at this as a rebirth and I am so positive about it. I chose the band rather than gastric bypass because of my age and the simplicity of the surgery as well as lots of research and consultations with my doctors. Good luck I'm sure you will make the right choice for you.
on 7/15/07 12:12 am - Halifax, Canada
Debbie, I am on Dr MacDonald's list (and was not told he retired) but I had my gastric bypass done Sept 6/2005 with Dr Beaulsoliel, get your dr to refer you ASAP, he will send the paper work to MSI for approval, if you already have approval from NS then you MAY (not sure) be able to get the surgery faster, but do not delay in being referred, since he is so popluar the wait time is getting longer and longer. I have had no issue with Dr B or his aws=esome staff (Lise his nurse and the dietitian are both great) Jennifer
Deborah M.
on 7/23/07 10:34 am - Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada
Hi Debbie Well, as you know now, NS MSI won't pay for out-of-country bariatric surgery, but they WILL consider your application for surgery within Canada, and not only with Dr Beausoleil. There are other Canadian surgeons who perform the same surgery, with significantly shorter wait times than Moncton. Travel expenses, though, can become cumbersome. I'd love to go to Moncton, as it's so much closer, but not if I have to wait years for the surgery. Also, MSI will NOT cover the McGill-associated weight loss clinic, as it's considered a "private facility within a public facility." MSI will not consider private facilities for coverage. They DO, however, consider surgeons who work in publicly funded facilities with whom NS MSI has a reciprocal arrangement, which means they'll consider facilities/surgeons anywhere in Canada, other than in Quebec (because Quebec and Nova Scotia do not have a reciprocal arrangement). Re the referral process, you can do it either way. My primary care physician wrote to the Canadian surgeon I chose, and the same day, wrote to MSI on my behalf, asking for consideration. I'm waiting to hear back within the next couple of weeks. I did travel to New York last month for a consult with a very well experienced bariatric surgeon there, but there's no coverage whatsoever, and $20,000 Canadian plus travel expenses is a LOT of money for a retired social worker (lol). It's a lot of red tape to get through for sure, but well worth the end result. GOOD LUCK! Deborah.
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