New and wanted to say Hello

Megan M.
on 5/30/11 10:05 am - Canada
Hi Carole, this is a great place to hang out l- lots of information and lots more support for people who truly understand.  Welcome to the party.
on 5/30/11 11:13 am - Welland, Canada
Once again Thank You to all, you've made me feel at home

St Joes Hamilton Ref Sent 01/20/11 Surgery 08/23/11 with Dr.Gmora. My  Tanya T


on 5/30/11 11:28 am - Canada
RNY on 03/16/12
Welcome to the forum Carole.


on 5/30/11 10:45 pm - Canada
If you have a chance to join one of the groups for a coffee one evening, do.
You'll find they're great people.
There's a Hamilton group and a Mississauga group which might suit you geographically, that get together about once a month.
I found it very helpful to get tips and off-the-cuff advice from the veterans.
Keep you eyes peeled for announcements on the Message Board.
on 5/31/11 1:04 am
Welcome :)
on 5/31/11 1:07 am - Canada
VSG on 01/25/12
Hello!  Welcome : )

I'm Melissa, also a mom but my children are 2.5 years (Violet) and about to be 5 (Jacob).  It looks like things have moved pretty quickly for you based the time line in your siggy - I'm a little bit jealous here!  I'm at the 5 month waiting mark now and probably have another 8-10 months to go before I get to surgery!

Good luck!

SURGERY at Toronto Western Hospital - VSG JANUARY 25th, 2012!!

5'9 - HW - 390 SW - 368.8  GW - 150


on 5/31/11 3:24 am - Welland, Canada

Yes it's going pretty fast I have read that for some people it's taken up to 2 years, I don't know how that can happen to some but not others. Good luck to you as well keep me posted :)

St Joes Hamilton Ref Sent 01/20/11 Surgery 08/23/11 with Dr.Gmora. My  Tanya T


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