New Rules...More Delays!

Karen M.
on 6/19/11 10:34 pm - Mississauga, Canada
I respect your position on this Mo - but you have to admit, there are some very scary questions and actions from people who have been waiting and have apprently  "done their homework", post-op.  It seems to be happening more and more lately and it concerns me.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

(deactivated member)
on 6/20/11 7:55 am - Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
Hey Karen, I hear what you're saying about the scary questions and actions, but that's a whole other issue ... not what the OP was about.  And for the record, I agree with you wholeheartedly.  There are some people who have this surgery who don't take it seriously or who have a skewed sense of what it will do for them.  My point is that adding months to the wait for these people will likely not inform or prepare them b/c they aren't that interested in being prepared.  On the other hand, IMHO someone who is interested in learning all that they can, will make the effort to do so whether they have 3 months to prepare or 33 months.  Hope this makes sense.

I'm sure you're heart's in the right place and that your concern comes from good intentions.    Sadly, there are times you just can't help folks who don't want to be helped. 'sigh'

take care
Karen M.
on 6/20/11 11:00 am - Mississauga, Canada
It does, and I agree with what you're saying.  It just makes me sad in a way.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/20/11 12:29 am
Hi Mo

One thing I really try NOT to do is assume anything.....and I sure hope I didnt sound like that in my post....It seems to be its all about "perspective"

I actually was involved in the NEW Ontario fact I waited 8 months longer per their request so processes were in place to keep me safe....again - its probably best not to assume

I also understand about what you are calling "surprise delays" - I think of them as patient first safety....and yes I do find it amazing the amount of criticism these "extra" tests etc seem to cause those waiting...

I also do understand the frustration and impatience and worry involved in waiting...I think we all want things to happen immediately once we have made a decision for change...the "hoops" are there for a reason

Last - I dont think it will ever get old to remind people to "use your time to better prepare yourself"....its not just taking the time to read posts - books takes time to come to realizations....and only time helps with this...
I think things need to percolate in our subconscious for awhile to really sink in....but this is just my opinion.

I waited 9 months for my surgery date AFTER I had met the the time I was disappointed to wait so long....honestly in hindsight it was the best thing that happened to me:

1 -the surgery's value to me increased with every day I waited

2. I did read everything...spent hours on OH - I really thought I knew what to expect and did for the most part

3. I had very few surprises....because I had so long to read and think

4. I knew what to eat!! I knew from reading on OH that just because my clinic indicated a particular food was on my OK list....I knew not to eat it if I wanted to maximize my weight loss...

I have gone on long enough - I can also get passionate about this..







laura S.
on 6/20/11 4:11 am - London, Canada
Well said Mo!   

It is very hard to think one thing is going to happen and to constantly be told that we are push everything back another month.. then another six weeks, then another month.. etc. etc..   It is the not knowing that makes it so difficult.  I am a rational adult and totally understand that more tests and the steps we take are to help us and are for our own safety.  It is nobody's fault and I'm glad that my welfare is so important to the medical team working with me.  That being said, it is still very hard to  think that it is almost your turn and then be told to wait again as there is another step.  Being talked down to on a board that is meant to help people deal with this process including the frustrations along the way is certainly not helpful.

It is a whole lot easier to say that the wait was worth it when the wait is over... when you are going through it and things keep cropping up to delay you.. it truly sucks!!!!  LOL  I'm keeping my eyes on the prize and trying to get through it without whining too much, but I totally get when others do.  This is long and difficult process just getting the surgery.. then the REAL work starts!  LOL


on 6/20/11 5:55 am
Hi Laura

I really dont think I was "talking down" to anyone....but again...thats just my perspective






on 6/19/11 8:53 pm - Canada
 Like Barb,  I saw an internist as part of the pats at the renowned clinic where I had surgery....They're way ahead of Ontario over there at Barix in Michigan as they have other clinics stateside and that's all they do...bariatric surgeries.
They want to keep you alive during surgery and send you home to heal well.   All the best and hang in there...

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Karen M.
on 6/19/11 8:56 pm - Mississauga, Canada
I saw an internist prior to surgery 5.5 YEARS AGO - it's nothing new and it's for your own health and safety.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/19/11 10:58 pm - Canada
Can you imagine the bariatric program now wants people to be healthy enough for surgery.. whatever will they think of next to complicate the process?
Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

on 6/19/11 10:18 pm - Smiths Falls, Canada
My family doctor told me about this it's all of people in Ontario or Canada not sure but he told me that he sent me refurral in a good time so I didn't have to go threw that.

Good luck in your process. :)

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