What I DIDN'T eat...

on 7/3/11 10:03 am - Canada
Today is day 5 of Optifast and so far it is going pretty well.  I have no issues with the taste.  Two of the four shakes I'm adding just a little water to make pudding, so I can have sensation of eating. The best part so far, however, is what I didn't eat on Thursday (day 2)...

Thursday was my work BBQ.  I made four full racks of ribs, which went over really well.  People said they beat Ribfest.  I wouldn't know, because I never even tasted the sauce!!!  Interestingly enough, the sauce was made up of all of the leftover condiments in my fridge that I was getting rid of due to their sugar content, etc.  The BBQ was full-on food - burgers, dogs, meatballs, salads, chips, beer, cake, etc.  I had my optifast and water with crystal light.

I got through that ok, and then Thursday night was a birthday dinner for my best friend at Zola's, an amazing Italian resturant.  While everyone around me had fresh pasta, etc. and many bottles of red wine (one of which I brought - no corking fee!), I had mint tea.  The only time I've ever gone to Zola's and come out with a bill of $3.50.  I was so proud of myself I left a $2.50 tip!

My friend thanked me for coming to her dinner, saying it must have been difficult, but honestly, it wasn't that bad and I figured out that friends are more important than food.

I hope I can keep up the momentum as the new car smell of the Optifast wears out...I get bored easily!  Two and a half weeks to go!  

on 7/3/11 10:22 am - Ottawa, Canada
 Way to go  That must of been really hard.  It just shows how you are so ready for this new journey

  Choose love, power, and acceptance instead of what we default to which is fear, dependence, and intolerance
on 7/3/11 10:26 am - Canada
VSG on 05/11/12
Wow, good for you for planning ahead and being able to enjoy those get-togethers! It's terrific that you didn't turn into a hermit and avoid your friends & social activities just because you couldn't share in what they were eating. That was really smart of you to make the rib sauce & clean out your fridge of all the sugary sauces at the same time. I'd call that a real win-win & it sounds like your ribs were a real smash hit! I'm really happy to hear how well you're doing with the Optifast - could you tell me how you prepare it so that it becomes like pudding? I like the idea of that for a change of pace when I have to start it.  I hope it continues to go so well for you too - you're really going great!

on 7/4/11 12:21 am - Canada
Just add water a little bit at a time and stir until it is a consistency that you can lick off the spoon.

on 7/3/11 10:36 am - Sumerstown, Canada
Do the optifast realy fill you up or are you hungry all the time!  Is it 3 week's of starvation?

Highs weigh   241                                      Referal: November, 2010
Before opti     231                                      Surgery date: May 10, 2012
After opti        220                                           

on 7/3/11 10:46 am - Orillia, Canada
You have done fantastic. Keep up the good work. Sounds like you are in a great mindset for post-op too. Be proud of yourself.


                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


on 7/3/11 11:02 am - Canada
VSG on 01/25/12
You're doing great!  I can't even imagine preparing all that food and not eating even a tiny bit of it!  Way to be strong! : )

SURGERY at Toronto Western Hospital - VSG JANUARY 25th, 2012!!

5'9 - HW - 390 SW - 368.8  GW - 150


on 7/3/11 11:16 am
Wow, you have had some pretty big challenges and have met them very well.  Good for you.  Great practice for life ahead.

Glad to hear that the Optifast is going well too.

on 7/3/11 11:36 am - Canada
THAT is just plain impressive.
on 7/3/11 10:54 pm
I have to say, you're doing great.  You'll do just fine on the optifast and after.  You have the right attitude and mindset and that is just what it takes to do this.

Sue in Courtice
My angel is Ashleighsmom 

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