Dating: To tell or to not tell?!

on 8/10/11 8:01 am, edited 8/10/11 8:04 am - Ottawa, Canada
That's great that you found someone so understanding! Congrats on that!
I am still trying.....all I can do! lol
Thanks! :)
on 8/11/11 10:37 am
Congrats on a great accomplishment!!!
I didn't read the other replies... I don't know if I'm repeating what someone else has said.
Four months ago I met a really great guy.  Not knowing where things would go as we were initially just meeting because he was new in town and looking to meet people.
On our 2nd 'outing' he noticed that I was picking at my meal (I was digging in the salad to get all the meat out!)  He asked if my food was ok.
And without a 2nd thought, I told him briefly about the surgery.   He was impressed with a huge step and the dedication required to follow the rules. 
Gradually we started dating, and I have no regrets in sharing right away.  I didn't have to find clever ways to not order a full meal or always suggest coffee instead of a meal.  In actual fact, he's been helping me exercise and has been a great support.

I'm not at maintenance and I didn't consider it as dating at first - perhaps those 2 factors have an impact. 

It's one experience .... follow your gutt (no pun intended)!!!

Good luck
on 8/11/11 11:34 am - Ottawa, Canada
Thank you!! It's been a crazy but great journey!
Congrats to you and enjoy your new found relationship!! That's great!
He sounds awesome!

I can't say every guy I have told reacted poorly, some were great with it...but it has tended to be more of an issue than not.
I just don't want to be "defined" as my surgery. And maybe I'm the one putting it out there like that. Definitely trying to get a handle on it....always looking for ways to improve!! 

I appreciate the kind words from everyone! :)                                                                
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