
laura S.
on 9/19/11 5:07 am - London, Canada
Well I decided to crack open the Wellesse and try it.  OMG.. it was REVOLTINGLY sweet!!!  Tasted like orange syrup from McDonalds!  ewwwww!  I tried diluting it in water, but it was still sickeningly sweet.  I know there are lots of people that use it every day - How do you do it?  Is there something it can be added to that will mask that taste?


P.S.  Apparently since surgery I have lost my taste for sweets!  Whodathunkit?  LOL
MS Miller
on 9/19/11 5:17 am - Nepean, Canada
Hi Laura,

I am right with you there concerning sweet, I hate anything sweet since surgery. The Wellness is the calcium from Costco I could not even try it, so I have the calcium citrate and a good pill crusher.

I have also hated my chewable vitamin but i can manage that with a bit of water and a swig of coffee.

So my premier shakes are stting looking at me in the fridge, but all I'm eating is bean sup, LC cheese and greek plain yougurt, so exciting, but puree here  come LOL.


PS you can return it to Costco too.
 Surgery Sept 13th 2011 Dr. Hagen 
on 9/19/11 5:31 am - Arnprior, Canada
Hi Laura,

Interesting comparison.  I tried the Wellesse and didn't have a problem with sweet, but still didn't like the taste.  It was suggested to me to refrigerate it.  With it being colder, you don't taste it as much.  This doesn't mean it doesn't taste, just not as much.

One suggestion to take liquid medicine that you don't like is to suck on an ice cube first to numb your taste buds.  Maybe that could help too.



on 9/19/11 8:17 am
Good tip to suck on an ice cube!
on 9/19/11 5:32 am - Ottawa, Canada

Laura I bought a bottle as well and its sitting in the fridge 3/4 full. I just couldn't take it. You are right not only is it sweet but its sooo thick. I changed to the Jamieson soft chews. Our centre allows these for the first two months post op .
Now I am taking Cirtacal calcium citrate petites.


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



Monica M.
on 9/19/11 5:45 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
i know, its incredibly disgusting. It makes me gag. I just down it and chase it with a cracker or something. ugh.
on 9/19/11 5:51 am
I just shoot it down in a medicine cup - I've really gotten used to it now. :)
My angels are sam1am and Joyce J. :)  
on 9/19/11 6:31 am - St. Thomas, Canada
Well **** Laura I love the stuff...lol  Sorry I missed last coffee meeting, hope your doing well!

on 9/19/11 7:42 am - St Thomas, Canada
Never tried it myself as I'm a big baby when it comes to liquid meds. I just buy regular Calcium Citrate most of the time and chew them. They are chalky but have no real taste just wash them down with my water. I would swallow the pills whole but they are kind of big and I want to make sure that I am absorbing the calcium so I chew them up.


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on 9/19/11 8:01 am - Canada
I found that I took a shot of milk of magnesia once.  After that, the Wellese did not seem like a problem at all because although it was not my favourite thing to swallow, at least it was better than MOM.

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