FINALLY got an appointment booked with Dr. Hong to discuss DS!

on 10/25/11 10:56 am - Toronto, Canada
I wish you well Pat and hope things go well.  I met with Dr. Hong to argue for a VSG. We discussed DS, as originally (3 years ago) that is what I wanted and was willing to go OOC and pay to get it. We discussed my conversations with Dr. Gagner and his position on what surgery I should have.  I have lost weight while waiting and developed a medical condition that precludes DS or RNY. He was in agreement with Dr. Gagner that I could only have a VSG. I told him I was willing to pay and go to Montreal if he didn't agree but he really listened and agreed.

He was seeing Dr. G the next day at a seminar and speaks highly of him. I had a written list of why I needed VSG and gave it to him and discussed each point with him.Although he told me some of the reasons may not be 100% valid he was agreeable to VSG without much pushing on my side.

Since he does all 3 surgeries I think he will listen to what you want and why. 

Highest W 312   Referral W 252   Surgery W 237   CW 156  Height 5'6"            


on 10/25/11 11:32 am
Thanks Paula, this is helpful information. All I've heard about Dr. Hong is that he is very reasonable, so I'm really hoping he'll hear me out and consider what I have to say. I've also consulted with Dr. Gagner andhe is very confident that DS is my best choice and that he is confident in operating on me despite my VWD as he has worked with these patients in the past.
Jennifer D.
on 10/25/11 11:01 am
Pat, your name is Trish??? I'm so confused :O
Karen M.
on 10/25/11 11:08 am - Mississauga, Canada
PAT-tricia? LOL 

Sorry Pat.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 10/25/11 11:13 am - Canada
VSG on 01/25/12
Oh Lordy!  hahaha.

Patricia signed her private messaged to me a couple times as Trish and I just went with it.  Oops!  I hope its ok! 

SURGERY at Toronto Western Hospital - VSG JANUARY 25th, 2012!!

5'9 - HW - 390 SW - 368.8  GW - 150


Jennifer D.
on 10/26/11 5:07 am
I was sick yesterday :P , connection was soon as you
          Thank you Cheri and Holly!
       Think twice, cut once! I've had 3 surgeries now, RNY, VSG and DS .
                                Ask me about the DS or visit
2002 - RNY
2010 - RNY to VSG
2011 - Full DS-August 24th
                HW 311   SW 306  CW 235  GW 150
on 10/25/11 11:36 am
Karen is quite right, my name is Patricia. I go by PatXYZ on the boards for the anonymity, but in real life my friends call me Trish. If I've private messaged you, I've probably signed off as 'Trish'. I certainly consider you guys my friends now, so go ahead and call me Trish
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