Bytown Benchers Meeting Feb 7 - west end ride needed...

on 2/2/12 6:59 am - Canada
I'll post a general reminder about Tuesday's meeting in a moment, but in the meantime, is there anyone coming from the west that can give a new member a ride?  She is new to the area and new to our group as well, so leaving her on her own to try to find April's condo near the Bronson Centre may not be the nicest way to welcome her to our merry little bunch.

She lives in Richmond, so if anyone is planning on attending the meeting and passes through there, let me know and I'll hook you up.  If Richmond doesn't work, can anyone meet her at an easy west end location, like Bayshore?

As I said at our last meeting, I am happy to try to coordinate a first ride for someone to make their day a little easier.  Hopefully this will work out easily!

Thanks in advance!


C. McMillan
on 2/2/12 7:43 am - Ottawa, Canada
 I live in Bayshore if somehow she can get there, she would be welcome to come in my car.


 Surgery:02-Dec-11 Highest: 344.6lbs  Pre-Optifast: 329lbs  Surgery: 311.6lbs  Current: 221lbs  Goal: 200lbs  

