Medic Alert Bracelet Information

on 3/31/12 4:40 am - Canada
I am new to this and was wondering what I should have put on my medic alert bracelet? Does it need just have the surgery procedure on it or is there more information that should be there? I appreciate any assistance with this, and the great inspiration and education provided on this site.  It has been very helpful so far.
on 3/31/12 4:45 am - Harriston, Canada
Your best bet is to ask your center.  Everyone seems to have opinions on what should or shouldnt be on it.  Some put no sugars and no NSAIDS but others will say never put this as these could save your life in an emergency.
Guelph tells you not to get medic alert that you do not need it.
Diminishing Dawn
on 3/31/12 5:52 am, edited 3/31/12 6:49 am - Windsor, Canada
 I bought one when I had my surgery..........but am now of the thinking that people do more harm than good often by what they put on them.  

 Please give SERIOUS thought on each and every aspect of what you put on that bracelet if you get one.  For instance, dumping is not a life threatening emergency but still many people put NO SUGARS on theirs.  If you become a hypoglycemic or reactive glycemic like so many of us do, sugar could actually save your life.  Please read about this topic A LOT and decide carefully if you wear one.  The thread below is very interesting.

Heres a great thread on the topic.   Lots of food for thought: D-for-WL/

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 3/31/12 6:11 am - Canada
 Mine says:

My Full Name
RNY Gastric Bypass
No Blind NG Tube
ICE: TWH Bariatric Center Phone Number
Orientation: 19 July 2011     Nurse/SW: 17 Oct 2011 Nutrition Class: 22 Nov 2011
Dietician/Psychiatrist: 24 Nov 2011 Surgeon: 9 Jan 2012  PAATS: 1 Mar 2012
Surgery: 23 March 2012

Hanneli xoxo
on 3/31/12 6:22 am - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12

this is what I have planned for mine. I researched it a month or so ago


Surgery mm/yy
RNY Gastric Bypass
No Blind NG, Sugars, NSAIDS
Dr. xxx-xxx-xxxx 

on 3/31/12 6:42 am, edited 3/30/12 6:43 pm
As others have said, it should NEVER say No Sugars or No NSAIDs as this can cost you your life in an emergency. No Blind NG is not necessary, it's a myth that the soft plastic can puncture your pouch. It would be in your best interest to just entirely delete your third line, otherwise this bracelet will do you more harm than good.

And honestly, you don't need one. TWH doesn't recommend them because people usually put inappropriate info on them and they are just not necessary. I don't have one.

Hanneli xoxo
on 3/31/12 8:22 am - Sudbury, Canada
RNY on 10/30/12
Cool.. thanks for the info.. I just may forego a Medicalert bracelet all together. will do more research. I am still learning.

on 3/31/12 10:03 am
No problem! It's great that you're doing so much research and preparation!
on 3/31/12 6:46 am
You don't need one. None of the centres actually recommend it as far as I know, and TWH specifically discourages it. If you insist on having one, it should only say "RNY Gastric Bypass" and any emergency contact info you want. If should NOT mention NSAIDs, sugar, NG tubes or anything else.
(deactivated member)
on 3/31/12 7:27 am - Canada
I have one that just says:

Allergic to Penicillin
RNY Gastric Bypass

I have it more for the allergy than the bypass.
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