(deactivated member)
on 4/8/12 11:45 pm - Canada
Im still stuck at 267 this week. So no change from last week but I do feel REALLY bloated for some reason.

My dream of -100lbs by my birthday seems to be fading away I know I'll get there regardless but I REALLY wanted it by my birthday.
Tanya T.
on 4/8/12 11:55 pm
Congratulations to those who lost this week!

I stayed the same as last week but time to kick it in gear now that Easter is over. I want to hit that 100 pounds lost soon.




on 4/9/12 12:00 am - Guelph, Canada
Well, I haven't lost anything is so long I thought I would be stuck forever! This is the first week in over a month where I wanted to post my weight!

HW - 328.5
OW - 277
SW - 266
LW - 235
TW - 231.5!!!

I celebrated 100 pounds (a few pounds early) by getting my teeth professionally whitened last week.  The technician was disappointed that they were only whitened by 2 shades, when she was expecting to see 4-6 shades, so she offered to reduce the price for me.  So, if you decide to have your teeth whitened, and you aren't happy with the results, ask for a reduction in the price!  I never knew you could do that.

Part of the reason I decided to jump the gun on my 100 lb celebration is that I have a job interview next week!  Please wish me luck!


Rachel O.
on 4/9/12 12:26 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 03/02/12
HW: 306
SW: 285
LW: 266
TW: 263.5

down 2.5 lbs. 

Hope everyone had a good Easter :)
on 4/9/12 12:28 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12
never posted in these threads before....

highest weight: 365
surgery weight: 299
Last week: 285
this week: 277

Cleaning out my closet!!!!

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

Susan B.
on 4/9/12 1:21 am - Canada
RNY on 02/17/12
HI All,  Hope you all had an enjoyable Easter



I have had a stall for a couple of weeks and last week was my first week back to work.  I guess the increased activity did make a difference!

            From Orientation at TWH to Surgical date~6 months 
on 4/9/12 1:23 am
Hi everyone.
my weight today is unchanged from last week. I weigh 195 lbs.

Down 100 pounds from my pre-bariatric referral weight of 295lbs.
Its been a long slow haul, its 13 months since my WLS but I am slow but sure.
Pushing 60, so not as quick at shedding the pounds as the young folks, but I
can keep up with the best of them. Just got in from my 6 mile morning walk!
on 4/9/12 1:55 am - Sudbury, Canada
It is my first time posting here.

Pre-surgery weight 376
Post opti 355
LW 323.6
TW 316.00

That is a loss of 60 LBS!! I am 2 months out from surgery and 3 months from the start of opti-fast.
Karen M.
on 4/9/12 1:59 am - Mississauga, Canada
Way to go!!!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 4/9/12 2:44 am - Sudbury, Canada
Thanks Karen.
I've been avoiding putting my numbers out there in black and white! I decided if there is anywhere I can post my numbers comfortably it is here- so I did it. My comfort is due to all of you fantastic people here--Thank you!!