
on 6/24/12 5:22 am
VSG on 12/13/12
 I have only told a handful of ppl.  I have stared this process Aug 2011.  This weekend I finally told a very dear friend of mine.  I told her she was sworne to secrecy.  Her first words were "how small are you going o get?". I was hoping for something like " good for you" or "I wish you the best"!!  I think some ppl like us the way we are!  Makes them feel better as long as they are smaller!
I guess you have to decide who you tell and when!  Remember this is for YOU not them!!!
on 6/24/12 1:47 pm - Canada
 Some will be a great source of support while others will be totally unsuportive. Some people don't deal with change at all well and you making a major change in your life, bothers them in that there isn't one going on in theirs. 

Don't waste your time with them, they will come around later when you've lost a significant amount of weight. 

I know I have lost some friends who were addicted to my addiction. The other side of that coin are the people who sat in the hospital holding my hand while I recovered. Seek them out and the will be a great asset to you as you make this great change in your life. 

If someone tells you this is the easy way out, tell them to walk a mile in your shoes.

Long you live and high you fly 
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry 
And all you touch and all you see 
Is all your life will ever be.


Mary A.
on 6/27/12 5:13 am
some people don't understand the struggles...and they THINK or SAY - if ONLY you ate less, and if ONLY you exercised more you wouldn't be as big as you are.

I didn't tell my mother either...who was 80 years old at the time..for one thing she wouldn't have been able to wrap her head around it..she came from the era where people fried bread in oil and cooked things in bacon fat.

She knows that I lost a significant amount of first she said "you have lost what 30lbs?....I told her that it was actually over 100lbs..I think she was trying to be complimentary without being as crass as she has been in the past...she doens't have the most finesse when it comes to talking about larger people..even now it's " the neighbours daughter you know the BIG one".

She knows I watch my sugar content and don't eat chicken balls etc anymore, but she sitll has no clue.

It's VERY important that you surround yourself with people that are supportive..and at the age of are OLD enough to make choices that effect you without ANYONE'S approval~!

Just stay strong and when the lbs start peeling off and IF you decide to tell her..if you get any kick back...because it is somewhat likely you just tell her...I did it for me and no one else and I needed to be supported and I don't feel like you would have done that.

or..if she's ANYTHING like my just are dedicated to a helathier way of living and maybe she won;t ask for details.

HUGS..I have lived I understand.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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