no desire for meat

on 7/17/12 12:39 pm
 Thank you all so much. It's nice to know Im not alone. I have been trying to eat yogurt as much as I can. I spoke to the dietician today, and she told me I could have flavoured greek yogurt as long as there is less than 12g of sugar per serving. I didn't realize we could have that much sugar in a serving post op... so I have been eating plain greek yogurt, but really am not enjoying it. I will be going out to get some flavoured tomorrow. I have gone online tonight and looked up vegetarianism... not with the intention of being one, but just for some ideas on getting in protein as suggested. I think for a while anyway I will stick with the vegetarian options for protein. Sad because Ive always loved steak! I think part of it all for me right now is because you have to chew and chew so much that you are tasting food in a way that is all new. Ive never chewed my food to this degree, and totally analyzed the taste of it like this. It puts it all in a new perspective! 
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