starting soft foods tomorrow yay question

on 8/22/12 6:04 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 07/26/12
Hey dudes so i finally get to go onto soft foods tomorrow yay.. Guelph doesn't have a puree stage so i go from full fluids to soft foods.  i think I'm gonna try some egg and spinach tomorrow cooked.. I've been craving spinach like crazy!  anyway i do have probably a stupid question

How do you accurately count your protein, carbs, fats etc...   what i mean is everything has a base like per 1/2 cup or per cup of the said product..   if I'm only eating say 1/4 cup of that product how do i accurately calculate the protein and such if the nutrition facts are per cup.  

does that make any sense?  I've been following and measuring all my jello/pudding and soup etc to a T according to Guelph's preferences.. but when it comes time for real food I'm not quite sure how to track the numbers...

Referral Date: Feb 3,2010        Orientation Date: April 7,2011  Guelph
Nurse and Dietitian: July 4, 2011 they canceled my apt cause no one was ava :(
Rescheduled Date: August 24 2011  2nd Apts: October 4 2011
Nutrition Class: March 27 2012    Meet the surgeon: April 17 2012
Colonoscopy: June 4 2012   Surgery: July 26 2012

Karen M.
on 8/22/12 6:07 pm - Mississauga, Canada
I used an online tracker.  There are several, such as  Good luck with the eggs!  Eggs and I broke up for almost 4 years, we've just recently made up. lol



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 8/22/12 6:24 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 07/26/12
haha Thanks Karen i read your posts a lot..   I'm hoping i have good tolerance for food.. i used to be a coffee addict before lol i switched to decaff which was fine but after surgery i tried a tiny decaff at home and it taste like crap lol like strong and burnt.. it was soo weak too  i almost cried.. since Ive tried it maybe two more times and still tastes gross..   its crazy how messed up your tastes buds get from not eating solids for 6 weeks...

so I'm guessing the fit day and such sites you put in how much of that meat or veggie and it gives you the nutrition value for that amount.  Thanks for the help

i hate egg yolks so i only eat the whites.. I'm a real picky eater I'm stuck on eggs, ground turkey and chicken for 6 months until i can try red meat.. since i hate beans and those legumes things and all fish and seafood..  so I'm hoping i can handle eggs :)  

Referral Date: Feb 3,2010        Orientation Date: April 7,2011  Guelph
Nurse and Dietitian: July 4, 2011 they canceled my apt cause no one was ava :(
Rescheduled Date: August 24 2011  2nd Apts: October 4 2011
Nutrition Class: March 27 2012    Meet the surgeon: April 17 2012
Colonoscopy: June 4 2012   Surgery: July 26 2012

on 8/23/12 7:01 am - Belleville, Canada
RNY on 02/09/12
 I went through Guelph as well and asked the dietician this same question her response was something to the following:

Follow the plan provided.  It is balanced for weight loss.  Remembering Protein first, then vegetables, then grains/starches.  That way if you get full you have had your protein. The plan has 6 servings of protein worked into it which will meet your minimum protein requirements if you follow it.  In order to follow the menu and have variety substitute protein for protein, veggie for veggie, fruit for fruit, etc.

I followed the plan religiously for the 1-1.5 months till I figured out what I was doing. It was like training myself on not just what I could eat but how and when to eat it.  I have lost 100 lbs in 6 months and I was considered a "light weight" and not expected to lose quickly.  I hit the surgeons goal at about 4 months post op.  I only recently had a slow down but just suddenly dropped below the number I couldn't break through last night.  Weird.

Hope this helps. 
Referral: January 2010     Orientation: Dec 2010      1st Appt's : April 26/2011       Surgery : Feb 9 / 2012      

Starting Weight:  265   Surgeons Goal : 187lbs    Personal Goal: 150lbs 

on 8/23/12 8:14 am
Yes to the above answers....I joined fitday (as Karen recommended) and it does help, yes it's hard putting in the amount, (I am not good at figuring out measuring amounts) but it lets you see exactly what you are eating.  I am having trouble getting in protien, so I drink the protien shake from costco, that puts me up to about 65 grams total per day (the goal is 60 -80 grams).  I am now realizing that I am going to start measuring accuratly as eyeballing is not working, I feel too full after eating and I don't even finish what I am eating! So I will see exactly what I am doing wrong. 

Good luck with the soft foods, I just started them a week ago and they are all going and staying down fine, but as they have told me (people on this site) CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW CHEW!!! and eat SLOW! if you don't you will regret it, trust me I

Good luck!


Surgery was July 19 2012, and I am doing great!! Only one regret....wish I did this years ago!!!!



on 8/23/12 8:25 am - London, Canada
RNY on 07/26/12
Thanks guys and yes Allaryanna i think i was a bit of a lightweight as well.. i was 250 lbs when i started the whole process over 2 years again but in the two years i started to eat better again got a new job so i went down to about 213lbs come opt and then 199lbs come surgery..  I'm 4 foot 10 so i wanna be down to about 130lbs.    but yes i am following those Guelph sheets to a T  i have them taped to my cupboards in the kitchen lol  I'm very excited to cook today i haven't used my stove or oven in 6 weeks hahah

Thanks for the info/advice everyone

Referral Date: Feb 3,2010        Orientation Date: April 7,2011  Guelph
Nurse and Dietitian: July 4, 2011 they canceled my apt cause no one was ava :(
Rescheduled Date: August 24 2011  2nd Apts: October 4 2011
Nutrition Class: March 27 2012    Meet the surgeon: April 17 2012
Colonoscopy: June 4 2012   Surgery: July 26 2012

on 8/23/12 9:31 am - Belleville, Canada
RNY on 02/09/12
 You'll be fine.  Especially if you had the discipline to start eating healthier prior to surgery.

And remember the idea is to work consistently towards the 60-80 grams of protein.  They do not expect you to be eating that immediately.  Water is still the most important thing.  Start adding the dense proteins slowly and give your new stomach time to adjust.  And don't be afraid if a protein does not work, give it a week or 2 and try again.  Wait until they allow raw veggies it was a great moment for me when that happened.    I now eat the majority of my veggies raw.  

Referral: January 2010     Orientation: Dec 2010      1st Appt's : April 26/2011       Surgery : Feb 9 / 2012      

Starting Weight:  265   Surgeons Goal : 187lbs    Personal Goal: 150lbs 

on 8/23/12 10:09 am - London, Canada
RNY on 07/26/12
haha I'm a very picky eater.. I'm a red meat eater have been most of my life so not being allowed to have pork or beef for 6 months is a killer.  so I'm stuck with ground chicken/turkey and egg whites  since i hate the yolks.. and i don't like any type of fish or seafood..  i don't like hot cereal or that oatmeal crap and i don't like beans and legumes.  so its def gonna be tough.. veggies i kinda grew up on corn and carrots.. so i have to widen that a lot since there is no corn allowed for a long time..  i love cooked spinach so I'm gonna try that for dinner tonight..   but yes water before surgery wasn't an issue i got in nearly 4 liters a day so its been tough not being able to drink as much water post op. it makes me feel sick and doesn't go down very well feels like a brick.. i add the lemon and cucumber to help but I'm only getting in about a liter a day right now of jus****er so i need to work on it more..   its getting easier everyday. 

Referral Date: Feb 3,2010        Orientation Date: April 7,2011  Guelph
Nurse and Dietitian: July 4, 2011 they canceled my apt cause no one was ava :(
Rescheduled Date: August 24 2011  2nd Apts: October 4 2011
Nutrition Class: March 27 2012    Meet the surgeon: April 17 2012
Colonoscopy: June 4 2012   Surgery: July 26 2012

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