my hair is gone :(

on 10/24/12 4:15 am - London, Canada
RNY on 07/26/12
So I'll be 3 months post op come Oct 26 and I'm having really bad hair loss.. my hair was thin to begin with and now my sink is full of hair every morning from brushing.. and throughout the day it just rains off my head.. my friends have even said i was balding..  and looking at the back of my head there are a lot of balding spots..   what I'm wondering has anyone went to the point that they had fusion hair extensions put in or glued in to cover the spots?   and give you some more volume? 

has anyone done this can you share your experiences? 

Referral Date: Feb 3,2010        Orientation Date: April 7,2011  Guelph
Nurse and Dietitian: July 4, 2011 they canceled my apt cause no one was ava :(
Rescheduled Date: August 24 2011  2nd Apts: October 4 2011
Nutrition Class: March 27 2012    Meet the surgeon: April 17 2012
Colonoscopy: June 4 2012   Surgery: July 26 2012

on 10/24/12 4:26 am, edited 10/24/12 4:27 am - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
Mine is coming out now (in the 4th month) and is thinner to me, but not as bad as you describe.

Some say the solution is Biotin, some say B vitamins, some say good fats, some say it's inevitable.

Some say its a stress alopecia (hair loss cause by physical stress), some say it is all the hair in a certain cell growth phase at the time you had your surgery.

I really don't know. 

I'm trying to eat right, take my B supplements, not eliminate ANY food group, and pray.

PS - how much have you lost since surgery?


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

(deactivated member)
on 10/24/12 4:32 am - Canada
My best friend has this happen to her when she had her hysterectomy. 
The doctor’s said it was an effect from the anesthesia. It might have been hereditary because it also happened to her mother when she was put under for knee surgery.  She had injections in her scalp to stop the hair loss.  Sorry to say, she’s waiting for the hair to come back.   I hope it all works out for you... I have pretty thin hair also, so I’m not looking forward to losing any more.
on 10/24/12 11:00 am - Brampton, Canada
On October 24, 2012 at 11:32 AM Pacific Time, 46_North wrote:
My best friend has this happen to her when she had her hysterectomy. 
The doctor’s said it was an effect from the anesthesia. It might have been hereditary because it also happened to her mother when she was put under for knee surgery.  She had injections in her scalp to stop the hair loss.  Sorry to say, she’s waiting for the hair to come back.   I hope it all works out for you... I have pretty thin hair also, so I’m not looking forward to losing any more.
Unfortunately in the last five years or so I've had hysterectomy, cholecystectomy, ERCP x 2 (cuz they messed up the first time) and this bypass.
My hair has not fallen out as a result of surgery..I think that's a myth of some kind

Now with this WLS, we'll see what happens.. I just need to keep track of how far out I am lol

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 10/24/12 11:40 am
It's not a myth, it's called telogen effluvium and it is extremely common. It can be made worse with WLS if a deficiency in zinc or protein develops.
I had OHIP approved Duodenal Switch surgery with Dr. Dennis Hong at St. Joseph's Hamilton on March 7th, 2012. Want more information on the DS in Ontario? Send me a private message!
on 10/24/12 12:35 pm - Brampton, Canada
On October 24, 2012 at 6:40 PM Pacific Time, PatXYZ wrote:
It's not a myth, it's called telogen effluvium and it is extremely common. It can be made worse with WLS if a deficiency in zinc or protein develops.
Thank you for that timely comment Patxyz

And you never did answer my question regarding your qualifications :)

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.  

on 10/24/12 1:21 pm
 An appeal to authority is an error in logic. Good information speaks for itself. 
I had OHIP approved Duodenal Switch surgery with Dr. Dennis Hong at St. Joseph's Hamilton on March 7th, 2012. Want more information on the DS in Ontario? Send me a private message!
on 10/24/12 4:33 am - London, Canada
RNY on 07/26/12
since opti fast im down 58lbs - since the day of surgery im down 44lbs.  but am at 95lbs lost since 2010.  

im taking all my vitamins and eating well.. just starting to add in raw vegs no red meat till jan tho..
but mine is really bad the hair just pools in the sink,my pillow etc its making me alittle depressed im pretty young  only 27 years old..   i think if i was married with kids n such it wouldnt matter as much.. but im a single crazy cat lady looking for mr right haha
but wondering if hair extensions would help like leave in ones not clip ins

Referral Date: Feb 3,2010        Orientation Date: April 7,2011  Guelph
Nurse and Dietitian: July 4, 2011 they canceled my apt cause no one was ava :(
Rescheduled Date: August 24 2011  2nd Apts: October 4 2011
Nutrition Class: March 27 2012    Meet the surgeon: April 17 2012
Colonoscopy: June 4 2012   Surgery: July 26 2012

on 10/24/12 5:26 am - Canada
 Do hair extensions attach to other hair if so would they not fall out as well some fun funky wigs might also be cool maybe try asking a good salon about some options.
 Respectfully Jane
on 10/24/12 11:43 am
Hit the protein hard. Some hair loss is inevitable, but the hair loss you describe sounds more than usual. Is the root still attached to the hair when a strand falls out? If so, it may be caused by protein deficiency. Start hitting the meat and protein shakes hard everyday, aim for 100g of protein everyday, whatever way you can get it, and see if that helps in about month. The other thing you can check is your zinc - levels that are too high or too low can cause hair loss.
I had OHIP approved Duodenal Switch surgery with Dr. Dennis Hong at St. Joseph's Hamilton on March 7th, 2012. Want more information on the DS in Ontario? Send me a private message!
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