No testing at all??

on 11/3/12 7:46 am

Though I'm happy about it, it "kind of" is weird to me that I have not been requested to have ANY testing at all pre-op.  Yes, I had some blood work done - but that is all.  I don't have any current medical conditions, but, from what I had understood, there are some standardized tests that are typically done. I'm worried that they AREN'T

Have others had this experience?  (I'm at St Joe's Toronto)



January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 11/3/12 8:02 am
RNY on 09/20/12

I just had blood work - ECG (but I do have cardio issues) - chest X-ray - ( I am older) / so... it they only need your blood - go for it!!! Means that you are super duper healthy. Congrats. ;) Go for it!  Should be proud...

on 11/3/12 9:31 am
RNY on 05/16/12

i also had no tests whatsoever.  I saw Dr. Dent and then saw the behaviorist once and the dietician twice.  Saw the surgeon, had the surgery education class and then my pre op session. I have insulin resistance, PCOS, low iron, and high cholesterol (well low good cholesterol but same thing in terms of the ratio).

I worry every once in a while that I didn't get these tests done but I've had surgery and everything is fine.


HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

on 11/3/12 9:52 am - Ottawa, Canada

I had no testing pre-op either.  I had no pre existing medical conditions.  I saw the NUT and behaviorist and the APN, and had some routine blood work done.  I viewed it as a good thing along the way, this way there is nothing medically delaying your surgery :)


Good luck :)



Submission for surgery -  October 2009            Info session - Jan 2010 
Nut & RN & behaviourist appt - Sept 2010          Follow up NUT appt - Jan 2011
eon appt - Jan 2011                                     RNY - March 4th, 2011 
on 11/3/12 10:00 am

I'm hoping the same,  other than an umbilical hernia and sleep apnea I'm pretty healthy too.  Fingers crossed


Referral June 13 2012,     Meeting Dr Reed Sept 10/ 2012,    Orientation 9/20/12                            Nurse, SW Nut visit Nov 10/6/12    Post op class 1/22 /13   Surgeon appointment April 9/13  Surgery May30/2013

on 11/3/12 10:46 am

I went to St Joes at Toronto on Oct 2 of this year......Pre op I had blood tests & ECG.............

Be Happy you are going in this with no problems!!!!

Best Of Luck

Is Dr Lindsay your Doc?

on 11/3/12 10:52 am

Nope - Dr Sullivan

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 11/3/12 12:18 pm - Midland, Canada

I too thought the same re the pre-op testing that others have posted about.  I had Dr. Lindsay at St. Joe's in Toronto, had my PATT's at that hospital and had an ECG, bloodwork, met with an RN, the anaesthesiologist, and was on my way a few hours later.  I figured I was in good shape for the shape I am in lol.  Count your lucky stars and best wishes to are in great hands.angry









on 11/3/12 1:52 pm
RNY on 02/28/12

Other than known sleep apnea for which I was already on treatment, I was otherwise healthy and other than bloodwork and an ECG did not have any other testing pre-op.  Came thru surgery with flying colours.  I hope the same for you.

Good luck,



RNY February 2012

starting BMI 40

on 11/3/12 2:05 pm - Kingston, Canada

Bloodwork, and ultra sound for me and that's all.  I asked the NP if, once I got to HRRH ( assessment through Kingston ), they would then require me to do the other pre-op testings that I read about on here.  I was told that each risk factor is scored according to the answers given on the questionaires and previous medical conditions.  Since I have no other risk factors/medical symptomology, but diabetes, none of the other tests were required.

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