Back to clear fluids for a bit.

on 2/4/13 1:55 pm - Canada

So today Four days out second day home I tried eating some pudding that lasted about five mins before the pain started, tried some water and back came the nausea full force. Talked to TWH was told to go back to clear fluids for a bit till i can get at least 1-2 bottles of water down without the nausea. I am glad to be back on them and not worrying about the protein and all the other stuff im supposed to be consuming right now. I have managed two popsicles and about a cup of water since. Got into a conversation with someone about how I most definitely am not dehydrated to find out that I most definitely am in fact when I spoke to NP at TWH. Did any of you have Nausea issues like this? If so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am happy to say that I would still do this over again im down 25 lbs since i started optifast 14 on optifast and 11 since surgery. Insane how fast this is happening......

(deactivated member)
on 2/4/13 6:12 pm - Straford, Canada

After my gallbladder, two weeks after RNY I experienced a lot of nausea and pain introducing foods.  I found really watery cream of wheat and oatmeal were the first I could eat with no side effects.  Then microwaving a mug of 2/3 cup chicken broth then stirring in a half scoop of unflavored protein powder was the second.  Are you timing your water intake?  I have three 750 ml refillable water bottles and filled them first thing every day, then made sure they were each gone by times I had set.  Just me, hope you find your balance of H2O and food.  

on 2/5/13 1:34 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

I can't "do" water at all but I can do decaf tea, or herbal (caffeine free) tea. I actually make it, cool it, and add ice cubes to make it even more diluted. broth in a cup is also a winner for drinking.

Pudding was too heavy early out for me to do any more then 1-2 oz of it but the 1/4 cup of oatmeal made with water, and topped with 1/2 cup of skim milk and stirred together I could do. Go figure.

Are you taking anti nausea meds at all? I can't take Gravol so they gave me IV Zofran in the hosptial and Oral Fast melt tab style Ondansetron for home. They are expensive (so no an option unless you have coverage - I think it would have been 120 for 10 of them at my pharmacy without coverage) but worth every penny.

I am going to say this again. I CAN NOT DO WATER. It will make me nauseated at best and actually come right back up in the most horrible way at worst.

Try a spoon full of tea... then a half a spoon full of water 3 min later. Wait 5 min... If it stays. You have your answer.

And if you are that dehydrated you may have to go into the ER for a bag of fluids. It is a self perpetuating cycle hun. Dehydration causes nausea... Nausea causes dehydration.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


(deactivated member)
on 2/5/13 2:47 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

Sounds like you have some great advice, so I just wanted to say take it easy and go slow and you will be well soon. Best of Luck. 

on 2/5/13 7:30 am - Canada
VSG on 02/12/13

Hi Bonnie glad you posted was wondering how you where doing.

Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW  - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th  Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG   

on 2/5/13 11:22 am

I have had and still have nausea issues, just as you described.  Please make sure your getting in some kind of fluids

as l became dehydrated and ended up back in the hospital for another 8 days flat on my back getting all kinds of vitamins

through my IV. Since surgery I have been unable to tolerate many things, and water is one of them.  I drink a lot of herbal decaf teas and water mixed with juice half and half, crystal light, SF jello and ho****er, with a lemon slice and 1 pkg of sweetner.

I also had a rough time with full fluids, as I became lactose intolerant after surgery. I have had to take things very very slow, and finally I'm starting to notice some improvement.  My new stomach is a little DIVA most days, but l never regret having my surgery.

Jus****ching the scale go down and reading posts on here has been such an inspiration.  Hang in there it does get better,

but in the meantime, keep sipping something, anything and enjoy another popsicle!   Good luck 

on 2/5/13 1:56 pm - Canada

The hospital called today and told me im severely dehydrated and that if i cannot get the fluids in I will have to be admitted tomorrow for iv fluids I really dont want that too happen. Today I ate about ten mini freezies and because of the sugar alcohol they went right through the other end without being graphic. In the last hour that area has become a problem because it is like water. I will get through this it just sucks knowing it could have been prevented. I have an extremely supportive friend network and they are all rooting for me. You all have been very instrumental in my recovery also thanks os much. IT is so weird to no longer want nor like water before i started opti fast i could drink a bottle of water in ten seconds. Now im lucky if i can force down 10 ml in an hour lol. On a very positive note I am down 28 lbs in 3 weeks come tomorrow. 14 from the optif fast and another 14 since surgery thursday. I was concerned this was too fast and was advised nope it''s perfectly fine. Lynn and others I shall see you tomorrow I am determined to make it to group. 

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