Time spent

on 3/6/13 12:01 am

Hey everyone I am just wondering if anyone could tell me how much time I could  spent in the hospital after having the Roux-en-y surgery. I will be at the Guelth hospital and since we live 3 hours away my BF and children will be staying in a motel. The Doctor was very vague on the time I may spend in the hospital and I need to book the motel rooms now. PLEASE HELP!!! 


on 3/6/13 12:12 am

Hi there,

As I'm trying to remember for me, I had my surgery Tuesday morning and on Thursday afternoon I was released, so 3.  Others will chime in for sure!

The only exception for me was that I was asked to stay in TO for 7 days since I was 8 hours away.  They just wanted to make sure I was close in case of complications.

Best wishes to you! :)


    ~Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you really wanted!~    

on 3/6/13 12:17 am - Canada
RNY on 03/11/13


I was told that I would stay 2 nights in the hospital at the TEGH for my RNY, but I've noticed a very few people have been released after only one night, and some people have had to stay longer.  It might be better to book an extra night?  Could you cancel the third night and get a refund if all seems to be going well after your RNY?  Could you call your surgeon's secretary and ask, explaining your situation?

Jenn.  :)

 1st appointment - Feb. 23rd, 2012. RNY Dr Cyriac Mar. 11th, 2013.




on 3/6/13 1:20 am

I stayed two nights three days in hospital. I don't think I could have managed a three hour car ride after leaving the hospital.

Leslie W.
on 3/6/13 2:08 am - Cobourg, Canada

Usually 2 nights. They may ask that you stay nearby for a few nights as you are far. I am about 11/2 hr away and I went home with the understanding I would go back to TWH if I ran into any problems.

Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
on 3/6/13 5:32 am - Peterborough, Canada

I would definitely count on the night before your surgery, plus the 2 nights you are there and then maybe 2 nights more for when you get released.  I would not book online-book directly with hotel and let them know you are with the hospital-they have special rates and you can also cancel up to 6pm the same day if you get to go home early.  good luck!


on 3/6/13 8:03 am

I was at Guelph....stayed 2 nights in the hospital but I didn't get discharged until after 4pm on the 3rd day. I live in London, about 1.5 hours away and went home that evening. I was fine on the car ride but don't know about 3 hours. They didn't say I should stay in Guelph and I did debate it but was doing good and so went home.

Best wishes to you!!

Orientation GGH: Mar '11 --- Surgeon: Oct 23, '12 --- Pre-Op: Nov 13, '12 --- SURGERY GGH,Dr. Reed:Nov 22, '12                 


on 3/6/13 8:28 am - Kitchener, ON, Canada
RNY on 03/08/13

I am having my surgery Friday in Guelph.  I have Dr Jules Foute-Nelong. He told me 3 to 4  days. However I noticed lots of people lately are posting they only stayed 2  days.   

Wonder if it makes a difference if it is a Friday?   And thus have to stay until Monday before they discharge people  since there is usually less staff on a weekend


HW: 305   SW: 272  CW: 155  Height: 5'4"



on 3/6/13 11:58 pm

Ok so talked to my doctors office and they said 2 nights and I can go back home after. I am happy about that however I never thought about the fact that my surgery is on a Thursday and I should be discharged on the Saturday then but since it is a weekend I could be stuck there till Monday. I will have to call them back lol. thanks for all your responses though. Mite be better for my BF and children to just go home then and pick me up on Monday.

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