
on 7/2/13 11:47 am

I have done some blood work through my GP and received a call stating that my GP wants me to do my fasting Glucose again as my blood work came back last week showing high sugars.  I don't know the # but am going to do my blood work again in the morning.  I have a follow-up appointment next week.  My question is if there is an update to my health (diabetes) am I supposed to call the clinic and tell them or send them a copy of the blood work or just wait until my 1st appointment (i had my orientation on May 3rd)?



on 7/2/13 11:58 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Your doctor should send them any blood work that shows a change. Your surgeon should be aware of all your health issues





Michele T.
on 7/2/13 1:32 pm - Canada
They should send it but I would recommend getting a copy of your blood work and bring it to your next appt. just in case they don't receive it.

Good luck,


Referral from GP October 2012  Starting Opti July 15th  Surgery with Dr. Jackson @ TWH on August 8th, 2013


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