Starting week 2 of Opti

Charlene Straus
on 8/27/13 5:04 am - Mississauga, Canada

Well, I've survived my first week on Opti, and so has my dog. Thank goodness she can run faster than me, or I may have taken a bite out of her hind quarter. The worst day, was Sunday. I was watching tv and a commercial for Burger King's Turkey Club Sandwich came on. I wanted to go over and lick the tv screen. I'm starting my 2nd week of 4. I'm finding, although food smells good, I'm not even tempted to taste it. I hope this continues, this way. I thought I would be going crazy when others were eating. It doesn't even bother me. I don't know if I've become indifferent to food, or if I am so focused on the prize, that food has become an obstacle I have put behind me. Not to say I wouldn't like to taste different flavors, but I don't have the desire to chew it and enjoy the textures. I've been encouraged by my success, on the scale. I'm down 10-11 lbs. I say 10-11 lbs, because it seems one day I'm down, and although I'm not eating anything other than the Opti shakes and my broth, sf jello and lots of water, some days the scale shows I've gone up instead of down. That is frustrating, but I remind myself my body is adjusting and dealing with this change and since I am following the program, I have nothing to worry about. God willing, I am well on my way to becoming healthy and enjoying life again.



on 8/27/13 5:13 am - Canada
I am on day 2...nit so bad at all..using not a gun coffee grains and coca.just like. Chocolate ice cap
Charlene Straus
on 8/27/13 5:18 am - Mississauga, Canada

I love my Magic Bullet. I also bought a 'Blender Bottle', at Bed Bath and Beyond. It's basically a sport drink bottle with a whisk type ball. I have that at work. I put my opti and water in and shake.'s ready.

on 8/27/13 5:21 am - Ottawa, Canada

Congrats!  As an animal lover, I'm happy your dog is fast!  Hee hee!  Isn't it amazing how many food commercials are on tv that you never really noticed before.  The mute button coupled with closing my eyes, was my strategy...or simply no****ching tv at all that had food commercials.  Ironically enough, right after surgery, I was back watching the food problem, even on the limited liquid/pureed diets!  My friends found this hilarious that I was sitting on the couch recovering from gastric bypass watching the food network!!!  (I was a bit of a foodie pre-surgery...still am post-surgery, just healthier choices!)









Charlene Straus
on 8/27/13 5:27 am - Mississauga, Canada

I know what you mean. I find myself, on Facebook (God bless my friends and relatives and their need to post pics of food and recipes), scouring the recipes and finding healthy choices. I found an amazing recipe, I'm dying to try, once allowed, of cource, for a chicken salad, made with shredded chicken breast, green onions, lemon juice and seasonings and avacodo. No mayo!!!!



on 8/27/13 6:21 am - Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Congratulations on getting through your first week on the Optifast.  It's a great feeling when you find that you are doing it and not really suffering at all.  I'm on day 6 of Opti also and just feeling great actually.  So happy for all the flavors we can add to it and it's even more yummy. I've thought of food here and there but I'm O.K. with my Opti.  It's a great preparation for what's ahead.

The Fall is going to be a wonderful time for so many of us.  Yeah!

Cathy xo

Orientation: Feb 2013, Surgeon, Nurse, Dietician: June 2013, Dr. Glazier: April 2013, Surgeon: Dr. John Hagen, June 2013, PATTS: August 2013, Optifast: August 2013, Surgery: HRRH Sept. 5, 2013


Charlene Straus
on 8/27/13 10:14 am - Mississauga, Canada

Tonight was a real test. My brother and sister-in-law live with me. I came home and he was barbecuing a steak. I wanted to strangle him. I uttered an expletive as he walked past me with that freshly grilled piece of fle****hen ventured to have a strawberry banana opti. Nesfruit drops and vanilla Opti...yummy.

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